A delay; A pause is a Good Thing

I foraged through the uneven, sharp, rocky terrain to get here; literally and figuratively.

I fell twice on my way here. Once surprised I didn’t break my ankle. I so wanted to get to this nude beach; but not this one pictured here. I tried to get to the one I thought I wanted to go to. After falling twice, scraping my legs I had one last hill to climb. So close I stopped. I stopped and just stood there. My guidance telling me to turn around and go back the other direction. I stood there, hillside until I made peace with my guidance.

I turned back.

As I walked I found much to my delight wild fennel, sheep sorrel, and chamomile which I collected and added to my wild edible plant collection of garlic and clover. Ahhhhh was good to turn back and being at peace not have ventured the beach.

Though I still wanted to swim and be nude… so bad!!!

Walking along I saw a couple I pasted and shared words with earlier. They pointed just down the way another beach that literally was a few minutes walk away.

I walked. Taking my time down the hill.

I discovered shiny crystalline rock and the delight having made it to this beach.

If you think the water is warm, you’re wrong. It’s quite cold, but I dipped my feet anyway. Determined to immerse myself, to experience what I so wanted to experience.

I stood there, waiting until I was ready. Water began to fall from the sky, I was getting wet no matter what. (Can you see the rain drops on the water?). I embraced the rain drops if heaven and sank myself under water.

Now I mentioned it was cold right? It was the type of cold that’s liberating. So connected to my desire that I had no choice but to be liberated with the cold water.


This is life. We have opportunities every moment of our lives to trust, to follow, to be at peace.

When I fell the second time, I sat there in the mud until I was settled and the sensation dissipated in my ankle.

When I was hillside, so close to that other beach, I stopped and didn’t move until I was at peace with my guidance to turn back.

When I was standing with my feet in the water, I stood there until I was ready to immerse my whole body.


There is nothing wrong with stopping; with waiting. A delay, a pause is a good thing. Stop and listen.

The water and the rain is liberating. Your water and rain is worth stopping to listen and then to follow the impulse!

📍 Nugal, Croatia

📸 with my Google Pixel 3


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