Understanding Your Body's Healing Process

The body goes through the same disease process (aka Healing Cycle), no matter what the condition or which organ/tissue is affected. However, it can take a long time, or be over very quickly. It is also possible for the body to get stuck in a loop of the healing process. This is known as a hanging healing and is common with many chronic conditions.

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Having a Meta Consultation can support you to move more quickly (and gently) through the disease process so that your body can return to equilibrium and optimal health.

Although in Meta Consciousness, we are applying this model to the disease process, it is really the cycle of life and applies to all things. Exciting, isn’t it?

The 9 Stages of the Meta Consciousness Healing Cycle

1. Normal health

The normal day/night rhythmn

2. A Conflict Shock/significant emotional event occurs

The event has to be:

a) Unexpected – a surprise, didn’t see it coming

b) Dramatic – to that person, based on their own emotional patterns and beliefs

c) Isolating – They feel alone, can’t talk to anyone, have to deal with it their self

d) No strategy – feel unable to resolve it.

This shock is called a UDIN.

In many cases, the UDIN will be a clear, defined moment. It could also be a long period of stress and conflict or a traumatic life event (such as an acrimonious divorce). In addition, a UDIN could have occurred when you were very young and then a seemingly small event that reminds you of it subconsciously can retrigger it and begin the disease process. It’s even possible for big unresolved traumas to be passed epigenetically down our family line as a UDIN via our DNA.

3. Stress Phase

After the UDIN or trigger event, the body goes into the stress. During this time, there will be some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Obsessive thoughts about the conflict
  • Stressed and tense body
  • Sleeplessness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Cold body and extremities
  • High blood pressure
  • Contracted blood vessels
  • Nervous/anxious with “cold sweat.”

In most cases, there won’t be any noticeable physical symptoms at this stage.

However, the specific organ relating to the conflict has begun its biological adaptation process in response to the conflict. This means that all of these symptoms are to enable the body to deal more efficiently with the conflict.

Sometimes this stress phase can go on for many years. Because of the adrenaline, losing weight etc. Many people actually feel “good” a lot of the time. However, it is an unsustainable way of being. They may also feel “tired and wired.”

4. Resolution

At some point, the conflict is resolved (accepted or a F*** It! Moment). This could happen quickly or over time. Examples could include meeting a new partner or having a conversation with our ex which helps us to understand why they cheated.

5. Part one of the Healing Phase (Restoration)

The conflict is perceived to be resolved and the body can now take steps to return to normal health. You become very tired and sleep a lot. You will often also crave health giving and healing foods The organ or body tissue begins to repair, rebuild or reduce.

During this time, you often experience symptoms of swelling, inflammation, and pain as the body takes on water around the organ while it repairs. This is usually the time that you will go to the doctor or try and find some other form of healing or pain relief for the symptoms. While this can slow the healing process, it’s OK to do this if needed, to bring some relief from difficult symptoms and pain.

During the repair process, the body uses bacteria, viruses and fungi (the bio-logical helpers). These are often treated by antibiotics, which can be useful if the system is being overwhelmed due to a lack of vitality and has saved many lives. However, the bacteria, viruses and fungi are needed to heal fully. If they aren’t available, the symptom can become encapsulated.

6. Healing Peak

Half way through the healing phase, the body has a healing peak (healing crisis). This is effectively the body “stress testing” the organ and you can experience very strong symptoms including headaches, muscle cramps and any form of “attack” such as anxiety, asthma or heart.

The body now starts to emit lots of water through excessive sweating (sometimes foul odoured) and frequent urination. This means it is important to support the body by drinking a lot of water at this time.

7. Part 2 of the Healing Phase (Normalisation)

Symptoms begin to lessen as the body completes the rest of the healing phase and returns to equilibrium.

Toxins, mucous etc are expelled at this stage.

**8. The bio-logical program is completed and can therefore...

  1. Return to normal health**

As I mentioned earlier, it is very possible for the body to get “stuck” in the disease process, which leads to chronic conditions. Some examples include:

Epilepsy – each episode is a healing peak and in some cases, the body can go through all phases many times over in a day. This means that in some way, they are being re-triggered over and over.

Recurring back pain – the body going through the process every few weeks, relating to a trigger happening.

M.E./Chronic fatigue – the body being stuck for an extended period in the Healing phase, following a specific kind of stress phase.

From the Meta Conscious perspective, each individuals symptoms are a unique response, based on their own thought patterns, emotional make up and vitality. A Meta Consultation and Coaching Plan can provide you with a solution focused way of understanding the meanings behind your symptoms and creating great outcomes in your life.

If you’d like to book a FREE 30 minute Discovery call with me, you can do so below. This is to find out more about Meta Consciousness and how a consultation and META-Coaching plan can support you in returning to wellness. During this call (on Zoom), you will learn:

  • The bio-logical reason and meaning for your health condition
  • The 9 stages of a dis-ease process and which stage you are in
  • What you need to do to fully understand and find the root cause of your symptoms
  • How your body is giving you a valuable message that gives you amazing potential to heal yourself on a bigger scale.

Book a call here - https://calendly.com/sam-neffendorf/discover-mh

Wishing you health, wealth and freedom

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