Day dreaming or pondering?

Day dreaming about the future or pondering about a problem, looking for answers? Guess whoever you are or wherever you are, you will find people doing this pose. I found them in a restaurant, different table and different level of dining. One has finished waiting for her bills, while he is waiting for his orders to arrive.

Question are... what are you usually do while in a restaurant? Sitting alone or with a crowd of people or eating with a friend or day out with family? Are you enjoying the meal or just to fulfill basic need of nourishment and appease the hunger? Are you a slow eater, savoring every bite and taste or you just dig in and stuff everything as fast as you can chew and swallow?

Whatever you do IS your choice. Just remember that if you go slow and savor and enjoy, you reap the enjoyment and the satisfaction.

Happy weekend.

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