How One Achieves Self-Acceptance


There obviously isn't a "do these things and then you'll love yourself" list that you can kinda just go through, I feel like it's a long and really difficult process. I think it's worth a shot to start physically taking care of yourself, like eating well, exercise, skin care etc. but at least for me that feels like I'm trying to "do happy" instead of "being happy", if that makes sense.

I think it's also useful to define (or try to define) what you actually want to do. Like what is love? I heard someone say something like "love is that you want everyone to be the best possible version of themselves", and even though it's not a very good definition in my opinion, you could argue that's part of what loving someone means. So, I don't know, maybe start trying to 'love' yourself in that way, and try to find a more complex definition of love as you go on.

Understand oneself first. Go for walk, reflect on the self and observe how you are reflecting . Any part of you that you think you cannot accept, ask yourself why. Is it because you think it is inherently wrong or bad, or because others tell you so? Think, feel. Every brush and stroke by your heart, your brain; must be fully experienced and directed by logical introspection.
What is it to embrace oneself?
How can one accept something they have previously rejected?
For that i say, love the present!
Tell yourself; Stop struggling with those moments in your past! You have to understand that life must be lived forwards, not backwards! I am who i am. And i act to how i wish to act tomorrow. One must charge like a noble knight, and pierce through the silent night! Be your own hero!

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