Health effects of Tobacco and it's prevention.


Tobacco use has predominantly negative effects on human health and concern about health effects of tobacco has a long history. Tobacco smoke contains more than 70 chemicals that cause cancer Tobacco also contains nicotin, which is a highly addictive psychoactive death
Tobacco use is the single greatest cause of preventable death globally.The world health organisation(WHO) estimates that each year tobacco causes about 6 million deaths (about 10% of all deaths) with 600,000 of these occurring in non smokers due to second hand smoke.
Tobacco use leads most commonly to diseases affecting the heart, liver and lungs. Smoking is a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Starting smoking earlier in life and smoking cigarettes higher in tar increases the risk of these diseases. Also, environmental tobacco smoke, or secondhand smoke, has been shown to cause adverse health effects in people of all ages.
Combustible tobacco use is extremely hazardous to human health and is responsible for more than 90% of tobacco-attributable death and disease,
No matters how you use tobacco in life , it can be through smoking also which effects your
health too badly.
Smoking can lead to a variety of ongoing complications in the body, as well as long-term effects on your body systems.
Tobacco smoke is incredibly harmful to your health. There’s no safe way to smoke. Replacing your cigarette with a cigar, pipe, or hookah won’t help you avoid the health risks.
Cigarettes contain about 600 ingredients, many of which can also be found in cigars and hookahs. When these ingredients burn, they generate more than 7,000 chemicals.
Many of those chemicals are poisonous and at least 69 of them are linked to cancer.

                 PREVENTION OF TOBACCO

Effective population-based tobacco control interventions include tobacco price increases, high-impact anti-tobacco mass media campaigns, and comprehensive smoke-free policies.

1 Try nicotin:-
•Prescription nicotion in a nasal spray.
•use it as nicotin patches,gums and lozenges.
•Prescription non-nicotine stop-smoking medications such as bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline (Chantix).

2 Avoid triggers:-
situations where you smoked or chewed tobacco most often, such as at parties or bars, or while feeling stressed or sipping coffee. Identify your trigger situations and have a plan in place to avoid them entirely.

3 Delay:-
If you feel like you're going to give in to your tobacco craving, tell yourself that you must first wait 10 more minutes — and then do something to distract yourself for that period of time.These simple tricks will help you to stay away from tobacco.

4 chew something:-
Give your mouth something to do to fight a tobacco craving. Chew on sugarless gum or hard candy, or munch on raw carrots, celery, nuts or sunflower seeds.

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