Grandma's Scone Recipe

I remember nan baking these every Sunday they are simply the best. We would be out picking apples dribbling, because you could smell them baking in the oven. she would set up a little picnic under one of the trees with fresh jam and cream. everytime i bake these it brings back fond memories.

The Buttermilk seems to give it a little bit of an extra tang. Make sure to Serve with butter,cream and jam and fresh strawberries.


Serves: 12
400g self raising flour
100g caster sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
175g soft butter
125ml buttermilk
125ml lemon aid


Preheat oven to 220 degrees C .
Sift dry ingredients in a bowl.
Add room temperature butter and cut into the dry ingredients mix with a hands.
Rubbing until the mixture resembles dry yellow flour.
Add buttermilk and lemon aid, just mix mixture lightly.
The dough will be a bit moist.
Roll dough into a ball and flatten on floured surface.
Cut into pieces with a scone cutter
Place on ungreased baking sheet and bake for 16 minutes.

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