The King and The Rebel - Part 2

Part 1

Tau stopped at an augmented reality terminal off a beaten path traversed by tens of thousands everyday in Seti – a megacity nearly sixty-thousand square miles in size. Countless terminals like it throughout the city were used to communicate at one time, but the technology had become antiquated and was now barely used.

Tau entered the terminal. “Manden – Gondar – Oromo.” A humming sound echoed from within the machine and a metallic tube lowered around the terminal concealing Tau inside. Green laser lights scanned his body. In a flash he was in an open plain in the Timil Scarred Lands. He still stood within the terminal in Seti, even though he felt as if he could smell his war-torn homeland. Sometimes it felt like the burning trees from the Ebony Forest still tinged the hairs in Tau’s nose from time-to-time.

Three silhouettes appeared in the distance, slowly gaining definition as they walked closer.

“We thought you were dead.” Asha wore a red scarf around her neck and black matte valtinium armor that clutched her curves.

“I'm very much alive, Asha.” He smiled. Acknowledging the two men present, Tau nodded. “Akida, Elemu. Rise with the blessings of K'Dassa to you too.”

The brothers gave the Timilian salute by crossing both their arms across their chests and bending forward at the hip. Akida looked up at him. “A revolution is only as good as the people who lead it.”

Asha spoke softly. “Yet thankfully, you prepared us for the day when you might not be there to guide us.” Tau looked upon the face of the young twenty-five year old woman who was half his age. He thought back to the time she first approached his clan. Her face was softer, then, her dark brown eyes still eager to change the world. Now, her face was hardened by war and her eyes were filled with sorrow and loss.

“I know you three are capable of leading in my absence. I would have no other people making decisions in the Red Sun clan but you.” Tau sighed deeply and looked up into the artificial sky, then back into the eyes of his commanders. “We have a problem.”

Akida, Asha, and Elemu exchanged worried looks.

“I was kidnapped by the next King of Sijilmari – Prince Ameer.” Tau let the revelation hang in the air to read the reactions of his allies. When no one spoke he continued. “Well he's practically the King already. He just hasn't been officially coronated. He made a proposal. One that I was in no position to reject if I wanted to see the light of day.”

“What kind of proposal?” Elemu asked.

Tau shook his head. “He claims he wants to end the war. I don't know if I believe him yet. He is of the treacherous Kofoni lineage and we're familiar with their lies and deceptions.”

Elemu folded his massive, muscular arms across his chest. “I'll believe that when he gives a speech condemning war crimes at the next Great Assembly with the entire War Council present. With M'Ren Akili Krishba and any of the other high-ranking military M'Reni all watching in anger and shock.” 

Tau paced back and forth. Even though he stood in a small terminal, he could use his mind to project his thoughts in this virtual construct. Allowing him to do almost anything he wanted to do. “He said something else too. He wants us to provide intel on the opposing clans.”

Asha became visibly frustrated to Tau. “He's trying to pit the clans against each other. To divide and conquer us from within. We cannot fall for that. Collectively as a group, we've gained more ground back since his father died than we have over the past decade. The infighting within the Kofoni family has only helped us.”

Akida spoke up. “Well, it's not as if we're not already divided.I've been looking at some data, Tau. Data that shouldn't be sent over old AR terminals. It's about our plans on the convoy before you were kidnapped. Asha and Elemu haven't seen it yet. It was sent to me an hour ago by one of our operatives. This plan by the King might not be as bad as you might think once you've seen what's on that data chip.”

“Akida is right.” Tau said. “I just wanted you all to know that I'm alive and I'm in megacity Seti. You should know about what's going on. We keep no secrets in the Red Sun. All are free to speak and share intelligence. It's what separates us from the other clans.” Tau pulled out a virtual pad and began writing. He held it up so they could read it.

I think I am being monitored through an ear implant. So be mindful of your words. How quickly can you make it to the offsite location in South Seti?”

Asha held up two fingers, “Give us some days.”

Tau nodded. He erased the tablet and wrote another message. “How are my wife and children?”

“They are worried,” Asha responded, “but we will let them know that you live and are in good health.”

Tau felt his heart rate slow and his muscles relaxed. His eyes watered with the thought of his family being without him. He wrote one last message. “Bring equipment to neutralize a valtinium-based ear implant. I want to get this thing out of me. Damn sinji King.”

Akida, Asha, and Elemu laughed.

“It's great to have you back Tau Ta-Homa. Yes, I used your family name.” Asha chuckled and smiled.

“It's great to be back. May K'Dassa be with you all in your travels.” Tau let out a pained laugh. Very few people knew his familial last name of Ta-Homa. It wasn't so much a secret as much as it was simply personal.

“Find somewhere safe to lay low. You are behind enemy lines after all.” Elemu suggested.

“I know the perfect place actually.” Tau said.

“I'm still surprised he just let you go. He's either green behind the ears and not ready to be King, or working at something else other than simply ending the war.”

“I think it's a little bit of both, honestly. I could see how unsure he was when I spoke to his hologram. But enough talking. Time to act. I will see you all soon.”

The four of them saluted each other and the communication disconnected. Tau once again stood in the metallic terminal by himself with the familiar sounds of a bustling megacity ringing in his ears. He exited the machine and made his way down the opposite end of the dark alley he'd entered to use the terminal. Light rain began dropping from the sky was going to be a long two days.


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