(ORIGINAL) The Gladiator's of Thothen V - A Dystopian Far Future Story - Part 5

One thousand years after humanity took its first steps on Martian soil, gladiators of the Thothen system fight in a carnival of death. For freedom, for glory, and for wealth. The gladiators of Thothen V are feared as the most brutal in the system – these are the stories of those men.  

 Previously on 'The Gladiators of Thothen V': Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4


Aristan Metallis stood in the midst of the Great Assembly in a much-anticipated public address. He made sure to speak with both respect and strength. This came naturally for him being one of three Mansan's, or Supreme Doctors, of the Thothenite Imperium chosen by the very legislative body he stood before. Anything less would not be becoming of one of the most powerful men in this region of the galaxy. 

“Men and women of the Assembly of Engineers and the Assembly of Technologists, I thank you for granting me access to your great forum. I come before you today distressed by the lack of action against the most pressing danger our people have ever faced since the Visaari War. I know how the Imperium works, I know that my days of dueling in the games are long over. But if there is one thing I learned during my early years it's that the Visaari are determined. Right now, in the Visaari capitol of Kannon, we have intelligence to suggest there are plans being hatched and plots being weaved. Yet you sit here and do nothing! I represent the Gladion citizenry of the Thothenite Imperium and though we number only a third of the total population – we will be needed the most when the time comes. It is from the Gladion population that any struggle will be won.” 

Aristan paused to catch his breathe. He turned in a circle to see all of the eyes of the Great Assembly locked onto his. Five thousand elected officials of the Imperium controlled the lives of tens of billions. Some sat on the edge of their seats eager to hear each and every word. Then Aristan noticed the skeptical eyes of those who he knew were his enemies – loyal to other interests within the Imperium. 

“The other Mansans disagree with me. It is not my intention to slight Mechan or Maximian interests. The Mecha-Humans are some of the longest lived amongst us and the Maximians represent genetically-enhanced humanity in our elegant organic form – dating back to our self-evolution long ago on Earth. We all have a role to play, but let us not forget our first duty is to the survival of the Imperium.” 

Being Aristan's first time addressing the Great Assembly, as he stood at the center of the massive body of leaders, he was silently stunned by the beauty of the curvilinear structure he stood within. The Assembly Hall was designed by the greatest architects and technologists in the Thothen system. The peaked dome reached nearly one thousand feet into the air with seven large, circular oculi carved into it at various symmetric points. One of the oculi were placed directly overtop the speaker's platform Aristan stood upon as he addressed the Assembly. The light from the Thothen Sun gave Aristan the famous 'Assembly Glow' that the Great Hall of the Assembly was known for. 

“I think it would be wise to approve of my contract. Overrule the other two Mansans and let me use the gladiators to do what they have always been born to do...and that is fight!” Aristan raised a fist in the air and shook it forcibly. 

Some men and women in the Great Assembly stood and clapped. There were former gladiators and therefore members of the Gladion class present to speak for those who elected them. 

“Do we just take pleasure in watching gladiators, genetically-engineered for warfare, fight in arenas and colosseums? Have we forgotten where we come from ladies and gentlemen? We were born in war and we will grow through war. We must attack Kannon, before Kannon attacks us. Approve of my contract and it will be the greatest decision this body has ever made.” Aristan circled around the platform once more. Taking each step carefully and patiently. “That is all. I leave the future of the Thothen people in your hands.” 

Aristan began walking down the steps that led to a long pathway lined by a row of casual observers and media drones. There was a splattering of cheers and claps, swallowed by a larger silence from the legislative body. The Mansan Triumvirate, as powerful as it could be, was not all powerful. Contracts had to be written and approved before most actions could be taken. While the Mansans could author contracts themselves, that was not the primary way laws were passed and most saw Mansan contracts as lurches towards absolute power by the Triumvirate. 

Even as he made his way off camera, the blood within Aristan's veins began to boil. He knew the fate of his contract before he walked off the platform. “They are cowards. Weak and feckless. They will have the Visaari overunning Balt City before they decide to act.” The Supreme Doctor seethed as he turned a corner. His sister, Amenya stood waiting for him. 

“They have billions of people to think about – which makes their ignorance even more stunning.” 

“We will do what we were always going to do from the beginning.” Aristan began looking around to make sure no one was in earshot of him. “This was all theater. I will act within my power and I have military contract rights.” 

“We have the Darkchain too.” Amenya spoke openly to Aristan's displeasure. 

He jolted. “Not here. Don't mention any of that here. Let's head to the Palace.” 

Aristan Metallis sat comfortably in the heavily-armored private aircraft that was built for the Mansan's and their personal use – it was nicknamed Ameer's Will. Named after the first Homo Maximus born on Earth over a millenia prior. It was large enough to serve as a center of operation if need be and could safely transport one thousand people.

Amenya sat across from Aristan. She studied his expressions. “What troubles you brother?” 

Aristan looked down at the virtual feed coming in on his personal monitor. “They voted down the contract. Diplomacy is dead Amenya...that's what troubles me.” 

Ameer's Will flew over the southern wall of the palace complex and the coconut groves and flower orchards came into view. The vast complex was a maze of over one thousand buildings covering dozens of acres. So large was the complex that it consumed a tenth of Sector 1, the smallest of all the Seti sectors. Entire families lived within the confines of the Mansan palace complex serving various elements of the Triumvirate network. Many of them were direct descendents of the very people who built the complex hundreds of years before.

The aircraft landed on gently on a platform with an entourage of assistants and officials waiting for the brother and sister to exit. Aristan gracefully walked down the plank that extended from the Ameer's Will and gave a salute to the military officials that were present. 

“Welcome back Supreme Doctor.” Yorini, the Chief Military Strategist spoke. He was both a Mechan and Gladion – having fought in the games for many years before reaching Class 4 which allowed him to leave the games to join the Thothen Navy where he served on multiple fronts. His time in the military was spent altering his body so much that he become predominantly mechanized with majority cyborg parts. Aristan trusted him more than anyone in the palace complex. “It's good to be back home Yorini. Come, walk with me.” Aristan put his arms around the Mecha-Human's shoulders and gave Amenya a look that said 'I need some space.' 

“Ok everyone else, follow me. The Supreme Doctor is a busy man.” Amenya said as she herded the rest of the crowd in the opposite direction away from Aristan and Yorini. 

Once they were alone Aristan said, “where are we with the Darkchain A.I.?” 

“It's near complete. We've already given the order to the Sector Lord's to begin bringing gladiator's onboard. They know nothing right now.” 

“Let's keep it that way.” Aristan and Yorini began walking through an alleyway with towering white buildings on both sides. “The less they know, the better. No one ever said protecting an Empire could be done without bloodshed...even when we aren't officially in wartime.” 

“True. Unofficially however, word has traveled through the populace. People are learning about some of the things we've done in the Visaari Lands. There are reporters even who are still writing about it, despite the threats from the Great Assembly.” 

Aristan turned to Yorini and looked at him with a cold gaze. “Then they need to be neutralized.” 

Yorini paused. “And what about Corinna and Lorenbi?” 

“The other two Mansan's will go along with whatever I suggest...with enough pressure. Neither one of them are former gladiator's like you and I. They can be pressed.” 

“Ok then. I will get on it as soon as possible.” 

“That is why you're my Chief Military Strategist and not someone else.” Aristan's dark smile stretched across the length of his face. 



"It has been a joy writing this series and it's only just beginning! I have a lot planned for this world and want to take everyone on Steemit along for the ride. There are many more chapters to come. This one was long because there was a lot I had to set up. With your support, I can continue to flesh out this cool new world set in the Far Future when mankind has developed the ability to travel to planets around the galaxy.

The Gladiators of Thothen V is a dystopian future story you don't want to miss!

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