(ORIGINAL) Farima - The Project Maximus Story Part 5

Previously on Farima: Part 1 - Project Maximus, Part 2 - Project Farima, Part 3 - Change of Plans, Part 4 - The Man With No Nation


Natia's world had changed so suddenly, she felt her literal reality was under attack. She felt isolated and threatened, even as her mind told her that she was among friends in the helicopter cabin she sat in. The interior design had Khalil's flare for the exotic with its accent lighting, A.R. entertainment console and plush leather seats - three on each side and each with their own arm rest and cup holder.   

Khalil sat in the cockpit with Acacia - the entrance to which was blocked by a shut door. Natia shook her head as all manner of conspiracies flooded her mind. You've known Khalil since you were a little girl...there's no possible way he knew about the attacks. No possible way... She fought the thoughts inside her head and looked for a distraction in the city down below. They glided high above the streets of Manden City - the city she called home. The city she knew was in the cross-hairs of a clandestine enemy.

She leaned back and took a deep breath to make some attempt at comfort before they arrived at this island Khalil had tucked away a few miles off the coast of Manden City's beaches. As she closed her eyes she thought of Ameer, the name she and her team had given the male Homo Maximus growing in the ectogenesis chamber which was also on its way to the island with her team on a separate flight. Don't you worry, I will protect you. Khalil may think he's in control, but I am still Project Manager. If he wants to keep secrets and go behind my back, then so too will I do the same. I know the exact genes to insert into his DNA. Tears began to slowly trickle from the corner of her eye. Refusing to acknowledge defeat, Natia devised an audacious plan as she drifted to sleep. It would work perfectly - as long as she could get her team to go along with it. Put a smile on your face Natia, all of your dreams and aspirations are not turning to dust. Life is good and you're holding on until you breath no more. This is my reality, and nothing will contaminate it. 

 "Natia...Natia wake up. We're about to land."   

Her eyes opened - Khalil stood bent at the hips above her as he shook her shoulders. His skin was remarkably absent of wrinkles given his age and his natural brown eyes were still bright with youthful ambition. His shiny bald head and only partially graying thick beard were pleasantly familiar to Natia, and comforting. Khalil had been a good surrogate father and she couldn't deny that. "How long have I been asleep?"

Khalil shrugged, "We have no idea Natia, we just activated the autopilot and came back here to check on you. We've been flying for forty-five minutes."

"Forty-five? That's a bit further than 'off the coast of Manden City' Khalil." Natia noticed Acacia. Her honey-brown skin was soft and delicate, yet her eyes were deceptively piercing. He said she was the best thing to ever happen to him since his wife died. I've never heard Khalil say that about any woman and he has a lot of them. I'll play nice...for now. "Acacia, I'm assuming Ameer's ectogenesis chamber was safely transported from the lab?" 

"It was Natia and your team landed five minutes ago." She smiled. To Natia it at least seemed genuine. "They're awaiting our arrival on the helipad."

Natia smiled back and nodded her head. "Ok, I'm ready." As she uttered those words, the helicopter turned horizontal to their original direction and began its slow descent. From the window, Natia laid her eyes on a tropical paradise - an island that was completely man-made. It was eight miles in width and thirty miles long. Palm trees covered a majority of the surface and around the edges of the island, a white sandy beach appealed to Natia's inner desire for bliss and tranquility. Free from the stress of work and expectation, a place to be truly independent with Adan and their future children. One day soon.   

Three structures stood nestled inside a thick grouping of palm trees. One building was large and rectangular with three stories. It had black windows and an old school red brick exterior . The other structure was a clear biosphere dome that appeared to Natia to be six stories in height. It was a short walk to the south of the rectangular brick building that she assumed was the lab where Project Farima would reach completion. The third structure was off to the side and shaped like a large stepped-pyramid, reminiscent of the ones she had seen in history books that were built by the Ancient Kushites. That must be where Khalil stays. Only he'd built himself a pyramid. 

Natia stood there agape as the sunny paradise grew larger while the aircraft descended. She raised her hands to her mouth to hide how shocked she was. Acacia had an equally puzzled look on her face as Natia pointed knowingly at her.

"Don't look at me." Acacia laughed as she was just as shocked as Natia. "I didn't know about this place either."

She turned to her father. "How? Where'd the financing for all of this come from? Surely something this expensive to construct wouldn't have gone unnoticed if it came from the coffers of the Collective."

"No, this isn't Endonis money. That's the main reason I've been able to do so much in secret and with some privacy." Khalil looked up at Natia and smiled. "You remember how I was able to found Endonis Technologies in the first place right?" 

"Yea, of course you were one of two scientists to design a way to catch an asteroid and transport it to Earth's surface for surface mining...but the tens of billions you made from that all went into Endonis...right?"

Khalil shook his head with a wide grin stretched across his face. "Not all of it." The helicopter touched down on the helipad and Khalil grabbed the door handle. "I love Endonis and all of its many facets, but this is my heaven on Earth - and yours too." 

Khalil turned the handle and pushed the cabin door open. Sunlight flooded into the cabin, but Natia could still just barely make out four figures of various heights standing a few feet away.

"Natia! Oh my god Natia we're all back together again! I'm so glad to see you!" Araba, Natia's best friend and confidant rushes to embrace her. Araba is two years younger than Natia and a graduate of the same college. They wore matching braided hair styles and identical pink orunmila's.

"Oh you know Khalil wasn't going to stop us!" Natia forced a laugh and returned the warm hug and was finally filled with joy as she acknowledged the rest of the team. "Michael, Alicia, Oba...all of you. Thank you. I would've never come along if I couldn't be with the ones who have been working on Project Maximus from the very beginning."

"About that Nat," the shortened nickname Araba gave to Natia, "this place is pretty exotic huh!" She said one thing, but Natia read a worried micro-expression on her friends face.   

"So Project Maximus is dead now?" Dr. Michael Beverly stood with his arms folded. He was dark-skinned with close cut wavy hair and Natia's exact height. He had a PhD in materials science and engineering. "We were told there's been a change in project goals."

Natia wanted to tell them everything that's happened, but hesitated - she looked back and saw Khalil and Acacia approaching the group. "Something like that." She knew now was not the best time to go into details. 

 "As much as I know everyone would love to sit out here and watch the evening come in over the horizon, we have very pressing information to share with all of you inside." Khalil extended his arm in the direction of the large brick building - the biosphere dome now appearing like a giant crystal ball bulging high in the air behind the building. What are you growing in there Khalil?

The group began descending the helipad platform. The calm of the warm breeze that blew in from the Atlantic ocean was shattered by the alarm that fell over the group as they saw hooded C.O.M.M. soldiers - Collectively-Owned Militias of Manden ready to escort them at the bottom of the steps. They were clad in matte black metallic armor with white and silver camouflage fatigues underneath. The metallic armor was made of a novel material designed by Endonis scientists called graphenium and resistant to all forms of bullets, landmines and grenades - but not energy weapons. Graphenium armor was bulky and cumbersome however, including the helmet and had seen its glory days. C.O.M.M. soldiers carried expensive energy pulse rifles that were small and lightweight. Most low-tech energy rifles only shot three charges per second, the MX-87 plasma rifle used by C.O.M.M. soldiers shot ten per second! 

Once at the bottom, Natia looked around and now saw them everywhere. Perched on top of the main brick building directly in front of her and there were a dozen watchtowers organized everywhere in her immediate vicinity.

"Don't be alarmed everyone. They're here to protect us, especially after what happened earlier today." Once everyone was at the bottom, Khalil and Acacia made their way in front of the group and motioned everyone to follow them down a winding path lined with various tropical trees and bushes. "These C.O.M.M. soldiers are here courtesy of my friend Director Aloomis on the Director's Council. They're from his region. Hopefully we won't be in need of their services."

Deep down inside, despite her best attempts to suppress it, a sense of foreboding that something terrible was going to happen on this island turned Natia's stomach. Treachery was in the air, she could feel it, but she had no clue what to do about it. 

Natia sat next to Araba with the rest of the team spread about in the windowless conference room where Khalil was bringing everyone up to speed about the recent bombings. Her previously knotted stomach now felt solidified as she listened to Khalil explain that the counter-intelligence operatives he had investigating the origination point traced their source to the New American States for sure - making the involvement of the Knights of the White Rose a near certainty.

"Enough about the K.W.R. though, we can discuss that problem in the near future. I know the main question you are all pondering on is...what is Project Farima right?" Khalil asked.

"I was honestly waiting on another deflection about why you can't tell us now." Natia spoke loudly to which everyone laughed. Even Khalil grinned off the jab.

"No deflections anymore Natia." Khalil, the only one left with his orunmila since everyone else had theirs confiscated by security, pressed a series of virtual A.R. buttons projecting from his forearm and the conference room darkened as a three-dimensional virtual image of a tall bipedal organo-metallic monstrosity was projected from the center of the conference table.

"How tall is that...thing?" Araba asked with her eyes widened.

"That 'thing' - is a fully decentralized, autonomous walking weapons station Araba. It is twenty feet tall. I've named it a 'Farima' - hence the code name of the project. I've been secretly working on it since the beginning of Project Maximus. You might be shocked by how human-like, yet mechanical this is. I designed something that would be nimble, yet resistant to all current weaponry. The Farima has a built-in neural uplink and genetic identifier that has to match before the Farima can be used. The neural link allows the driver in the vehicle to communicate with Farima's artificial intelligence through a virtual heads-up-display. The driver will have the ability to move the Farima by simply thinking of what he wants to do. Anyone who attempts to steal one will immediately be killed as we're to assume said person is either a traitor or the enemy." Khalil breathed in deeply and exhaled with a wide, pleased grin on his face. 

"What type of power supply does that thing have?" Natia asked trying to contain the flurry of emotions inside her - both in awe and angry at being kept in the dark for so long.

"A next generation multi-junction solar cell with a solar efficiency rating of sixty-five percent. The exoskeleton is wrapped in a thin layer of these cells which are also bulletproof due to their enhanced graphenium casings. You may notice the Farima's body appears to have a muscle system and a humanoid shape. That is due to the actuator - or muscle system - built with elastic carbon nanotubes fused into a composite shape-memory iridium alloy. The strength of the nanotubes combined with the elasticity of the alloy smart metal allows for a mega machine that will be faster than a tiger with the ability to leap dozens of feet into the air." Khalil smirked, enjoying every juicy detail. After all, this was his true life's work. "The muscle uses the electricity gathered by the sun to power itself. The stronger the electrical current, the more dense and damage-resistant the exoskeleton becomes. Whereas if there's a weak current of energy flowing through the system, then the more rubbery and elastic the smart muscle metal becomes. This makes the Farima valuable in all scenario's." 

Natia could see Dr. Oba peering at her out of the corner of her eye. She knew what he was thinking. The Farima was in violation of all sorts of domestic policies and international laws against colossal war machines - but she was curious. "What level of autonomy does the Farima have?"

"It is not completely independent - so it can't turn on Ameer because their minds will be linked and that linking will provide familiarity. It does however have a genius human-level artificial intelligence that is designed to respond to tasks. Tasks that can be given from either inside or remotely within a two-hundred feet range. The Farima can also carry out orders freely and intellectually while Ameer is elsewhere. Ameer will be constantly connected to the Farima at all times through a mind-machine interface. The Farima mech itself is only half of the Farima project though. The other half went into me building a separate power suit that Ameer will one day wear." 

"Let's see the power suit!" Alicia seemed the most eager of them all.

"Patience everyone patience. You wanted to know what Project Farima was, well now you know. That is why I didn't want Project Maximus to fail, for your project to fail Natia, then my own project Farima would've also failed."

"Because only Ameer's mind can occupy the Farima..." It finally hit Natia. 

"Precisely. Now, me and Acacia here have other business to attend to. We might be the only scientists on this island, but this is not the only project we have to account for." Khalil chivalrously placed his arm across his stomach and bent in a gracious bow, "seeing as how I've given you the tour already, you are free to go to your rooms or any of the research areas you have access to. Good evening everyone." Khalil and Acacia turned to exit the conference room.   

The scientists all broke out into raucous crossing conversations - a swarm of voices flooded Natia's senses-

"Nat this is not good." Araba said in her ear next to her.

"So I guess I'm the only one who's going to say something about the blatant war cry Khalil has gotten us wrapped up in? Building-sized mechatronics were banned after the Second Civil War and we all know that, due in part to the 'Turtle Walker' mechatrons he created that murdered scores of people. The international community will see this as an escalation in hostilities. Without a doubt, there is fear of an attack on this island, or it wouldn't be so heavily defended. If not now, then soon. I know I wasn't the only one who saw those two massive silver anti-aircraft plasma rocketrons on the fly-in right." Dr. Steven Oba said with a shaking head.

Oba was from Nigeria was pacing back and forth. He was a good, altruistic man - perhaps on the wrong project. Natia knew his wife and children personally...she felt responsible for he and everyone else now being in this predicament.   

I hope Adan got my message. I know those bombings are all over the AugNet and LifeZone...I know he's worried sick about me. Natia thought as the group of scientists argued in her ear around her. Then she remembered the plot she'd been pondering on while on the way to the island in the helicopter. "Everyone calm down for a second!" She didn't like raising her voice, but definitely could if she needed to.

Natia rose and walked with a powerful stride to the front of the conference room where a floating metallic orb projected a large virtually-augmented image of a chalkboard. "Listen, our options might have been limited and many here may feel like they've been coerced into all of this...trust me if anyone gets it, I get it. But we have to keep our eyes on the endgame here which represents years of all of our research, and dozens of others as well who aren't here to enjoy the completion of the project with us. Farima or not, we still have the ability to mold Ameer to our liking."

"If he's going to be used to fight one day, make him a conscious fighter - honorable." Araba backed up her best friend. "Let's make sure we don't birth the next mass murderer."


"That would require an editing of Ameer's approved genomic configuration. Also if Dr. Oba could develop a couple memories that we can imprint into his mind pre-birth, those two things alone would dramatically lower his threat level." Dr. Beverly said.

"Yes that is true Michael." Natia said and looked over to Dr. Oba who held his head low - his eyes watching the floor instead of where they needed to be.

"That requires the approval of the Director's Council and I don't know - " Dr. Oba began.

"Look, it's like this...if we don't move now we won't have another opportunity at this." Natia slammed her fist on the table and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry if I seem pushy, but this was originally meant to be a scientific endeavor to eventually evolve our people. To make Mandenites the healthiest, most vibrant, smartest and strongest people on the planet. This will be the most revolutionary breakthrough in years and will be life-changing." Natia's nose began to run as she sniffed and felt the emotions beginning to run through her again as they had on the way here. He hasn't even been born and already I feel responsible for Ameer as if he's my son. Adan always said if we had a boy, we'd name him Ameer. That was the main reason why I suggested the name out in the first place.

"I'm in!" Araba cheerfully came to Natia's aid and stood next to her in front.

"I guess I am too." Dr. Michael Beverly smiled at Natia. "No way am I letting you two get into trouble by yourselves."

"That makes three." Alicia Spearman, the nanotechnologist and newest member of the group, said one thing - but her voice was low and her hands were clasped together unsure of herself." 

"That leaves you Dr. Oba. You're the neural engineer and memory programmer. Let's give Ameer something positive to believe in...even in the darkest and most trying of times."

Dr. Oba shook his head and stood slowly - away from the group. "I respect you Dr. Greenheart, but I cannot go along with this. I'm assuming Khalil doesn't know about this which is why this wasn't brought up when he and Acacia were in here. So you want us to go behind the back of the Chairman of the Endonis Collective - illegally insert genes and memories into a subject that we no longer control."

"Yes, Dr. Oba that's what I want...as well as your silence." Natia folded her arms across her chest. She saw Oba's face sink as he knew he was alone in his precaution. "There are only two options here, we either shut this project down, or we complete it - without losing the heart of our ultimate goal."

"You will have my silence, since I don't want anything to jeopardize the completion of this project. We don't need any other delays," Dr. Oba made his way to the door as quickly as possible, "but I cannot do this in good conscious. I understand what you're trying to do Natia, I just feel we've threaded the line of ethics violations too closely already and this is a step across that line. You said at the Endonis convention this morning that this was for the people of New Manden, but it isn't - it's for you Natia. You and your pride." Oba slapped his hand on his head and shook his hands with regret. “I didn't mean it like that - I'll be in my room. I hope this doesn't create any rift with you guys. You're likely family to me Natia."

"No foul Oba, you have a right to voice your opinion." Natia nodded at Oba as he slowly slinked his way out of the conference room with his tail between his legs.

"Coward." Dr. Beverly said with Dr. Oba gone. "I'm about to go too Natia, I want to go to the communications room that Khalil showed us and call my wife and tell her I'm alright...you know they came to my house when I was in the shower?! Didn't tell me squat about what was going on - just told me to pack my things."

"I'm sure they didn't see much." Natia joked playfully.

"They saw a lot actually - someone has a full frontal nude photo of me with a stupid look on my face on their glasses. They were probably recording and are laughing at me right now."

Natia laughed out loud. "Get out of here Mike! You're too much!" With that toned body, I doubt they're laughing boy. Out here looking like an intellectual gym rat. If I weren't married...

Alicia followed Michael's lead, said a quick goodbye and also left. Natia and Araba now stood by themselves in the conference room.

"This is a damned mess Araba. A huge mess." Natia was finally free to say what was really on her mind. She and Araba had been sharing secrets for years.

"Tell me about it. You know this means that Khalil has been lying to you from the very beginning right?"

"I know."

"About everything. This is something he's been planning for years."

"What else has he misled me about I wonder?"

"Well for one Natia, the ends don't always justify the means." Araba placed her hand on Natia's toned arm. She could feel her triceps harden. "Sorry, I'm not trying to upset you."

"I know you're not. You mean well." 

"I'm just saying, Khalil has had you drinking that kool-aid since the end of the war. You just need to begin to think about how far you're willing to take this. You're name is attached to this project more than anyone else. That's true whether this is a massive success - or a crushing failure." 

She's right, I cannot deny that she is right...but I also cannot consciously admit defeat and never will. "There's another issue Araba and you're the only one I can be open with this about." Natia paced to the front and back of the room with her hands on her hips. "How can I say this? Well - Ameer isn't just a scientific endeavor to me. I've grown - I don't know - attached to him in a way. You know me and Adan always talked about children."

"Yea, you tell me every time he brings it up."

"I want to give them to him too. I want a whole crew of kids running around...and he'd be such a great father. A stay-at-home dad too because you know he makes all of his money on the AugNet with that e-commerce site he has - not to mention his other businesses."

"I still don't know what's held you up this long...especially if he works from home."

"It's this crazy project. I just can't focus on anything else until this is over. I haven't told him yet...but as soon as all of this is over," Natia looked at Araba and laughed with a grin on her face, "don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for a few days."

"Your secret is safe with me Natia - all of them." Araba giggled and tried to playfully push Natia on her shoulder - only she was the one who moved back and not Natia. 

Natia walked towards the door after she felt her stomach begin to growl. "C'mon let's see what this cafe has to offer. I'll share some of my workout secrets over a light lunch. I almost forgot I haven't eaten since breakfast...today's been way too busy."

"I'm right behind you. Everything will work out Natia. I know it."

"I hope you're right this time."



"It has been a joy writing this series and it's only just beginning! I have a lot planned for this world and want to take everyone on Steemit along for the ride. There are many more chapters to come. This one was long because there was a lot I had to set up. With your support, I can continue to flesh out this cool new world set in a fictional nation in the Not-Too-Distant Future. 

Farima is an afro-futurist story you don't want to miss!

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