Sweety bird of Yellow-crested cockatoo From indonesia will endangered

The yellow-crested cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) also known as the lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo, is a medium-sized (approximately 34 cm long) cockatoo with white plumage, bluish-white bare orbital skin, grey feet, a black bill, and a retractile yellow or orange crest. The sexes are similar. Lessor, the cockatoo used in the TV series Baretta, is thought to be a yellow-crested cockatoo but is actually a medium sulphur-crested cockatoo. [1]

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The yellow-crested cockatoo is found in wooded and cultivated areas of East Timor and Indonesia's islands of Sulawesi and the Lesser Sundas. It is easily confused with the larger and more common sulphur-crested cockatoo, which has a more easterly distribution and can be distinguished by the lack of pale yellow coloring on its cheeks (although some sulphur-cresteds develop yellowish patches). Also, the yellow-crested cockatoo's crest is a brighter color, closer to orange. The citron-crested cockatoo, which is a subspecies of the yellow-crested cockatoo, is similar, but its crest is clear orange.

Scientific classification

Kingdom : Animalia
Phylum : Chordata
Class : Aves
Order : Psittaciformes
Family : Cacatuidae
Genus : Cacatua
Subgenus : Cacatua
Species : C. sulphurea [1]

Feature and behavior of Yellow-crested cockatoo

If we look at these parrots they usually live in pairs in small to large quantities. And often found in groups when they fly. This bird also has the ability to hold on a twig with the toes or beak firmly. While the tongue is usually used to help in eating fruit, and grains.

The yellow-crested cockatoo behavior of the stud when the time leading up to the wedding will leap, expand the wings, lift the tail, and crest will be lowered. The males' movements are performed to attract females to mate. And the yellow-crested cockatoo birds usually hatch between two to three eggs in their nests in the tree hole naturally.

The Endangered Bird

Yellow crested cockatoo is an endangered Indonesian native bird. Birds that have the color of white fur with a yellowish crest have been designated as protected animals since 2007. The number of yellow-crested cockatoo populations in the wild is less than 7,000.

The yellow-crested cockatoo is a clever and very easily trained bird. Treatment is not difficult, the food is only grain, no wonder many of the birds fans who want to keep this bird. But many do not know how to keep this real bird. They keep this bird in a cage where this yellow-crested cockatoo can only breed well in the wild. This is one reason the bird population is increasingly threatened and extinct.


Big Yellow Crested Cockatoo Bird (Cacatua galerita) with the general characteristics of all white feathers, on its head is a yellow-colored crest that can be established; black beak, gray legs; sliced dark brown in males and reddish browns in females; when flying the bottom wing and the tail side of the bottom look yellow. Is one type of bird that is protected by the government because of fewer animals.

So the Government is getting serious about handling illegal trade of yellow crested cockatoo. And the active role of society is needed to maintain the survival of Indonesia's biological resources. So that until whenever none of all species are missing.Cacatua sulphurea

Sources :

  1. Yellow-crested_cockatoo

  2. Yellow-crested_cockatoo

  3. Punahnya Burung tersebut

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