The Use of Calculators is Good for Students Brains

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From my childhood, every time I use to hear from my parents and teachers that do not use calculator, if you will use calculator then you will not understand that how to solve the problems or equations, and I never understood that what is the problem if I will use calculators to solve the problems or equations. Well, now researchers have found that using calculators is not a bad thing for students. If students will use calculators then they can be able to learn new methods of problem solving.

Recently Academics for Education Endowment Foundation has published a new research that the use of calculators increase the intelligence of students. Well, before this it was believed that the use of calculators makes students dull and they don’t use their ability of thinking and problem solving. They just use electronic tools to solve their problems.

According to the new research, calculators tend to increase the intelligence of students, before it was considered that the use of calculators does not make children intelligent.

The research conducted by Academics for Education Endowment Foundation has proven that calculators not only increases the intelligence of students, but also increases the problem solving techniques of students.

Before this research, it was believed that because of the use of calculators, students do not use their brain to solve the difficult mathematics problems and it reduces their ability of thinking and problem solving and they become dependent on electronic tools, after which their intellect is reduced.

However, Academics for Education Endowment Foundation told in the research that the use of calculators do not reduce the ability of thinking and problem solving of students, but it is important to use the calculators in a right way. Students should solve the problems in their brains and then they should compare their answers with calculators.

Education experts believes that the use of the calculators is important, however, students should use calculators only after learning the different methods of calculating and before this, there should be full ban on using calculators in schools and colleges and specially in exams.

Education experts believe that students should use calculators and before addition, subtraction, multiplication or division, they should solve the problems in their brains and then they should compare their answers with calculator that their answer is correct or not. In this way, students will use their brain and they will learn new technique of problem solving.

News Source: Daily Express (

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