Mummies Around the World #science #pyramid Life of Egyptians

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Almost everyone are familiar with the famous word 'MUMMY' according too the world experts mummy words come from the children after some time of the birth and here we are going to talk about the word 'MUMMIES'.

The word Mummies comes from the Arabic word they use to say as 'mummiya'. The meaning of word 'mummiya' is bitumen. There are movies made on mummy on of the famous name of the movie is ''The mummy returns''.

The Arabic traveler thought that Egyptians embalmed the body by dipping them into bitumen. so what is the concept behind mummy ??

When a body is buried in a hot sand without any type of cover then the body fluids are been absorbed by the sand and the body seems to be completely dry so due to the hot burning effect the skin becomes as hard as a shell and internal organs of the body where preserved.

This was the common method which Egyptians where using this method in early time but now a days the use of coffins and housing are been done by the people of Egyptians. As now the body is not been able to exposed by the sand so it is now decomposed.
The another method by the people of Egyptians was they wrapped the body tightly using some linen soaked and covers up the full body with resin. This method was also again turn into failure because the body started decomposed again.
Then they realized that if the internal organ of the body is removed then the putrefaction of the body will stop and the body will not decomposed again. So late the technique Embalming was used to store the body which might not decomposed again.
In the time of 1570-1975 the Egyptians produced well preserved mummies through the standard practices.

The Egyptians seemed to have different places for carrying out the various stages of mummification. They first clean the body at a pure putrefaction called ''Ibu' '. The body was washed with of water of river Nile.The embalming was done in the house of mummification an then finally they remove the brain and then they remove the inside parts and finally the skull was washed.

The Egyptians were not only to preserved dead bodies of mummies but the people of Chinchorro people of he northern Chile developed Mummification Process around 5000 B.C. So south America also preserved the dead bodies of mummies so the world is also involved to preserve the dead bodies of mummies.

Pyramids are common in this type of country like Egypt. They have triangular sides of pyramids. Mastabas of the old kingdom in the period of 2680-2565 BC are the trial model for the pyramids. The largest and the finest pyramid of the world is of IV dynasty are the three pyramid near Cairo. The largest pyramid ever built is the Great pyramid of Khufu or Cheops which is among the seven wonders of the world. It is across 13 acre and 230 metres and height of 147 metres huge.

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