What's the Link Between Alan Turing, Fluoride and a Pine Cone?


Activating the third eye

It is said if you activate the third eye then you open a gate way to vision and foresight. We are made up of two entities, our physical being and our spiritual being. The third eye gives us access to the spiritual being while helping to control the physical. With the third eye you transcend normal abilities and can see life situations, yourself and others with more clarity. Part of this state of conscious third eye awakening is discerning what is beneficial and helpful to humanity and other beings and what is harmful.

The Pineal Gland

This is a subject I was introduced to by my Brother about a year ago. It was not something I had heard of before and very rarely since but there certainly is a wealth of information about this tiny little pine cone shaped gland available.

The Pineal Gland or otherwise known as Epiphysis Cerebri or 'Third Eye' is a tiny little pine cone shaped gland in the center part of the brain. It is situated in a groove between the two halves of the brain and is reddish grey in colour. The size varies but is usually the size of a pea. Its function is to supply Melatonin and Serotonin and in conjunction with the Pituitary Gland affects wake and sleep patterns and is sensitive to light and dark and to seasonal changes.

pineal gland pic.jpg

Interesting facts:

  • The pineal gland is present in most living vertebrates.
  • It is not protected by the brain blood barrier unlike the rest of the brain.
  • At old age it contains the same calcium level as teeth.
  • It calcifies as you get older
  • It grows until 2 years of age and then only gains in weight after puberty

Given its important role in our bodies, it's not surprising that a healthy, activated pineal gland has been connected with spirituality and enlightenment since ancient times.

The conspiracy theory.

There is an elite power base that are deliberately trying to calcify the pineal glands of the population by using large amounts of fluoride in the water system and in processed foods. They aim to stop personal enlightenment and the enlightenment of the masses whilst harnessing and researching the benefits for their own ends.
This theory is researched and not necessarily my opinion

Here is a great video from Koi Fresco with his own take on it.

The Research on the Pineal Gland

Rene Descartes

Rene was a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist. Dubbed the father of modern Western philosophy

Responsible for the quote

“I think, therefore I am”

In line with his dualist teachings on the separation between the soul and the body, he hypothesized that some part of the brain served as a connector between the soul and the body and singled out the pineal gland as connector. He regarded the Pineal Gland as:

“The principal seat of the soul and the place in which all our thoughts are formed.”

Descartes argued that signals passed from the ear and the eye to the pineal gland, through animal spirits. Thus different motions in the gland cause various animal spirits. He argued that these motions in the pineal gland are based on God's will and that humans are supposed to want and like things that are useful to them. But he also argued that the animal spirits that moved around the body could distort the commands from the pineal gland, thus humans had to learn how to control their passions.

In the 20th century Alan Turing the famous computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher, and theoretical biologist advanced computer science based on mathematical biology as inspired by Descartes.

Georges Bataille

George was a French intellectual and literary figure working in literature, philosophy, anthropology, economics, sociology and history of art. His writing, which included essays, novels, and poetry, explored such subjects as eroticism, mysticism, surrealism, and transgression. Bataille uses the concept of a "pineal-eye" as a reference to a blind-spot in Western rationality, and an organ of excess and delirium.

Helena Blavatsky

Helena was a Russian occultist, philosopher, and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. She gained an international following as the leading theoretician of Theosophy, the esoteric religion that the society promoted. She identified the pineal gland with the Hindu concept of the third eye, or the Ajna Chakra. This association is still popular today.

Rick Straussman

Rick is a medical doctor specialising in psychiatry with a fellowship in clinical psychopharmacology research. He has theorised that the pineal gland may form DMT under certain conditions, and in 2013 researchers first reported DMT in the pineal gland of rodents.


The pine cone symbol can be found in ancient architecture, art and sculptures where it is associated with enlightenment and immortality. With its spines and spirals, the pinecone illustrates a perfect Fibonacci sequence—symbolizing growth and the unifying force that underlies creation, all embodied in an activated pineal gland.


Marduk The Sumerian God, 18th Century BC

Ancient Egypt

The Staff of Osiris

In Ancient Egypt, the symbol of the Eye of Horus mirrors the placement of the pineal gland in the profile of the human head. The third eye is connected to clarity, concentration, imagination and intuition. The Ancient Egyptians revered this tiny gland and even preserved it separately during the process of mummification.

The Eye of Horus and The Pineal Gland



It is commonly accepted as the 6th Chakra, the third eye. The Chakra’s are focal points or energy channels in the body used in ancient meditation practices.

Angkor Wat

Pine cone anyone?

This is said to be the world’s largest single religious monument and dates back to the early 12th century.

The Catholic Church

The Pigna at the Vatican

Even The Pope!

The Greeks


It can also be found in art belonging to:


Hitler's Desk

Aachen Cathedral, Germany

Piazza Venecia, Italy

Whitehall Building, New York City

A fantastic video by Collective Awakening on The Secrets of the Pineal Gland

A great source of info on the Pineal Gland

A source on how to activate the pineal gland

My view

The conspiracy theory is, well, a conspiracy theory but if experience has taught us one thing it’s that anything is possible and to not rule it out. The science around The Gland itself is solid enough and there are plenty of far smarter people than me that have investigated and researched this and come back with information that suggests something beyond what is currently accepted. I have not made up my mind yet but I accept that there is compelling evidence to say that we should not rule anything out. I would love to believe in the possibility of enlightenment and higher purpose, that we are beings of light and not this crude matter! 😁

What you believe is entirely up to you.

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumoured by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

Thanks for reading.


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