Mindscape Magazine Issue 12 is Coming Soon!

Hello and welcome to Issue 12 of Mindscape Magazine, where we offer you an eclectic and diverse mix of views, explorations and many varied and in-depth venturings into the perceived knowns - the unexpected, and the unknown. We seek to cover many angles, featuring topics that we all want to know more about and explore further, along with you, if you dare! In this issue we delve into many diverse facets of life and our place within this universe, collectively as well as individually, by looking at the world with fresh eyes, and what it means to live our lives in ways that expand us all.

This issue is jam-packed with rich content and a varied mix of perspectives, with a vein of inter-connectedness running through all - allowing us to see separate parts of the whole more clearly. We feature some amazing and captivating writings by some wonderful new contributing authors to Mindscape Magazine, from sound-based healing and the amazing BioAccoustic research of Sharry Edwards, who’s work spans over 20 years. Her focus on vocal profiling via voice spectral analysis - revealing how it can be, and is being used as a tool, to interpret the dynamic and complicated frequency interactions within the body - allowing for ways to predict and also treat various health issues. These incredible techniques also provide a rich insight into the possibility that the math-based bio-markers contained in the vocal patterns present a holographic representation of the human body! We have Part 2 in Derrick Scott van Heerden’s brilliant and in-depth exploration into Life, the Universe and Sound Frequency, by delving into the imprint of sound and musical harmony that reveals how Sacred Geometry really is frozen musical harmony, or that musical harmony is vibrating Sacred Geometry, using the intrinsic patterns and formulae found throughout nature, showing us a rich interconnectedness of all things.

In this issue we also bring you our dynamic regular contributor to Mindscape Magazine - Brendan D. Murphy, who reveals how post-kundalini awakenings can be jump-started and elevated to new heights via DNA Activations, a process in which I have personally taken part in - mind-blowing stuff for sure and not to be missed for those of you seeking to get their energetic informational systems online and fully operational. We also delve in further with Brendan’s Part 2 of Diary of a DNA Potentiator, where he describes how higher purpose and transformation of self is actuated by DNA Activation using sound.

In issue 12, we have great pleasure in featuring one of the pioneering minds of science today - a deep thinker and doer of recent times, and of times gone past - a man who’s expansive and endless vision and depth of knowledge in bringing about change in our world, has steered a huge body of work (based on Russell and Keely’s expansive work) into the present, and into the forefront of our minds propelling us into the future. The founder of The Pond Science Institute, Dale Pond with his incredible lecture ‘Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - The Science and Technology of John Ernst Worrell Keely’ given at the free energy conference in Switzerland, shows the depth of knowledge and its potential impact and complete relevance in todays world is as pertinent now as it was the day it was given… this is a must read!

We also have a great line up of new contributors to Mindscape Magazine. Jenny Mannion outlines how the Hawaiian prayer and healing practice of Ho’oponopo can be used as a very simple yet profound tool for forgiveness. Marie Poirier shows us how our individual and collective beliefs have the absolute and intrinsic power of moulding our experience of reality, highlighting the importance and function of belief and how it translates into creating our reality. Jenny Smedley explores her insights into how to achieve a deeper connection, understanding and communication with our animal friends using love, trust and acceptance.

In the wonderfully eloquent writings of Deborah Mahmoudieh, she sets out for us what, or rather who, is working against our collective right to live compassionately in the world we live in today, in her deeply insightful piece - To Defeat the Divide and Conquer. Don’t forget to check out Aimee Devlin and Brendan D. Murphy, whose Global Freedom Movement Radio Interviews we feature as well. In this issue, GFM joins Sol Luckman, a prolific visual artist, author of numerous books and originator of the very potent Regenetics Method, in a deeply thought provoking chat about the power of sound in healing and transformation, and the state of the global awakening currently taking place across the globe.

Issue 12 offers all of this and much more, so get ready to explore the landscape of the mind with us today, and we hope you enjoy!

Lauretta Sela, Editor


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