The 10 true flaws of PUBLIC SCHOOLS


Soul destroying flaws below

1. No autonomy. You are forced to stay and listen to teachers even if you would learn something else. You must stay in your place, you must ask permission to talk, go to the bathroom. No one is happy in prison.

2. Fear. The system works on rewards and punishments. It is well known that when you are in a state of fear you can not learn. The higher brain functions are inhibited in this kind of environment.

3. Disinterest from teachers. Like every job, client feedback is paramount. Teachers don’t care about what the students want. Why? Because they can’t do anything about it. If you don’t like your phone you can stop paying that company and buy one from another company. Can you stop paying for the public system of education? No. Then no one cares about your child. (Only the rare professors that are not motivated by money. I am talking about the system not a handful of exceptions.)

4. Lack of freedom and experimentation. There is hardly any practical things in school. Why do we learn this stuff? Because you need it for your exam. WRONG. An artificial system that makes you good at it and useless after you finish. If you have no freedom to fail (because you are punished) you can’t really learn anything. You will be able to repeat the information but it’s not linked to anything practical. You will forget.

5. Information overload. When you have to learn and learn and learn new stuff every day, every hour, you don’t have time to think, contemplate. You are working really hard and doing nothing for your future. Sorry.

6. There is no structure. You don’t know why you should learn what you learn. You do it because you must. Teachers say it’s for your future. They don’t explain what that means. You have a big puzzle and you don’t know how to put it all together in your mind. How do you orient yourself?

7. Discourages teamwork. Taking test alone. We want to know what you know, no help. Don’t look sideways or they will punish you. This encourages children to be selfish. They will not share information and only please authority.

8. Teaches everyone the same thing. In a society made of people that learned the same things, in the same way, you don’t have creativity. Where can it come from? Two random people on the street will see the problem in the same way. If they have had attended different school systems, they would have diverging opinions and methods to approach it. From that diversity would come something new. They would at least have some questions to ask.

9. You become trained to obey authority. If you have to ask permission even to pee. You are in total control. Every action is scripted for you. You are not asked how you feel or what do you think should be changed. You have no impact on the system. You are a pawn. A vessel to be filled. Never would you be able to resist authority. Bosses will whip the floor with you. The state will take your rights away. Every time someone will be in a position of authority over you, you will have the internal desire to obey. Every time you are in a position of authority, you will have the desire to oppress.

10. You will learn a lot of lies.The school system never presents you with diverse opinions. Only the status quo. Every teacher is extremely sure that what he teaches is the absolute truth. No question, no doubt. You at that age can't challenge him/her. You absorb the information and a distorted world view. You think that history is 100% agreed on. You are not inquisitive because you were punished for asking questions and rewarded for perfectly repeating what the teacher said. You will then defend the lies your whole life. You don't have a mechanism to challenge them. (you didn't think they would teach you critical thinking so that you can be independent of their authority, did you?) Also, you will have an enormous emotional investment in supporting the system. Imagine what would happen if you saw its flaws?

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