Mive Hind


Sure having fun already, like to read your post and seeing you use hive.blog. Don't you know that this is the new steemit?

Better use peakd.com the new steempeak... all the pics load just fine there. Which makes me think that they may haven't mirrored only the content but also the spirit. šŸ™ƒ

Anyway, thanks for reading and please keep your hive. You probably gonna need it to pay for all the buzz you're making!

This is a response to @fracasgrimm and his "contest?" on getting some buzz on the hive. Find all infos about that on his original post and submit your entry on the hive!

Peace Love and Grooviness

Dan "The Dude" Mondoshawan

  • Respect Your Nature!
  • Be Impeccable With Your Own Word!
  • Handle Everything From A Neutral Point!
  • Be Sincere / Honest!
  • Find Truth By Asking Kindly!
  • Always Give Your Best To One And All!






|| All content is my own intellectual "property" otherwise you'll see a source indicated...||

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