Need a husband or wife? Want some new customers? Its all the same process in Stanimal's radically simple program - HOW TO GET A HUSBAND, WIFE*, OR NEW CUSTOMER** IN 3 EASY STEPS! ! This overly simplified anecdote will humorously break down two complicated and nuanced processes that are clearly quite different - yet remarkably similar when taken with a grain of salt! 

Step 1: Let them know you exist!  

Nobody marries - or buys - from a person they don't know exists! So get hustling. Whether you're cranking out dials during your blocktime, introducing yourself to people at the bar, or swiping right on your favourite dating app - get out there champ!  Every sales person (or single person) in a new territory is like an evangelist on a mountain. Grab a bullhorn and let 'em know you exist!        

2. Build Trust by Being Awesome!

Trust is hard to build! Consistency and Awesomeness count - AND you need to demonstrate you're more "awesomer" than the other guys/girls/companies that came before! Every customer you call has a partner. Everybody you meet has been in a relationship before. You need to blow your prospective customer or partners socks off! Show them value like they've never seen before, even though they're not buying a damn thing from you yet! Bring teddy bears on birthdays and flowers on their birthday- and your best competitive offerings at every opportunity available!   

If you're shopping for a new customer be in front of them consistently with the unique value your company provides! You can't call once, ask for "the business", call back again in 3 months, and expect them to remember. Build out a plan for how to be as awesome as possible as often as possible and EARN THAT TRUST! 

3. Ask a powerful question! 

"Bobby/Suzy... will you marry me?"

"Mrs.Customer we've been speaking for a few months now. I like to think I've demonstrated that I have something relevant and value-added to bring to your company. I was really hoping to discuss <THIS PART OF YOUR BUSINESS> because I feel we're uniquely able to help. Could I ask you a few questions about that?

Or even better! "Hey Mr. Customer! Its quarter end. Can I have a Purchase Order!" :-)

*I am not married, and have no idea if this program will actually get you a spouse. 

** This is obviously  a silly analogy illustrates that very few customers buy on the first call. Prospecting is a process, not an event! It takes 8 to 10 "touchpoints" on average to build enough trust to get a customer to buy. Its also a numbers game! The more new customers you call, the more convesations you have, and it all starts with that first touchpoint. Make an effort to CONSISTENTLY be in front of that customer with your offerings and services... and one day you'll as a question that is relevant. Next thing you know... you'll have a PO! Chin up salesfolks! Keep grinding!

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