Cold Calling Script or no Script

Understand - Prepare and take action

Cold calling is not about opening the phone book anymore and calling anyone and by luck just seeing what happens, maybe this was the case in the 80s, but trust me, this is most certainly not the case today.

So for those of you that believe that you need to change what you are currently doing in order to improve your results the best advice I can give is Change Now not tomorrow.

Cold calling is about figuring out who is your target audience and then calling them NOW not tomorrow because by then your competition has already got their business.

Have a script, be prepared; your script is your map to success and growth. It also helps to keep you focused when the objections and nerves set in and trust me the nerves will be minimal.

Before you dial practice, practice and practice some more but then TAKE ACTION.

You won’t have to worry about what you’re going to say because you’ve already written your script and you’ve practiced it.

Cold calling is to escape obscurity and gain familiarity.

You’ve got to be willing to keep calling people back, again and again, until you reach them and never let no answers or rejection deter you from your purpose.Diamond SAles cover.jpg

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