
Laundry was getting critical so this morning rather than worrying about getting me showered a few days of t-shirts and some underwear were washed instead. Brought them back to the boat and hung them to dry. Seems weird that this marina has no laundry facilities. They have a timer on their showers which explains they are on a well and holding tank and are trying to conserve the water supply. That may explain it. It is a nice family run feel kind of marina, though, so they deserve to be cut some slack.

Back on board had some texting contact with Pierre and sent Greg a DM with the sad news that James had found a crewmember, yet if anyone jumped ship along the way he would be our first call-back. There have been a number of different situation that have seemed to come to a boil on this adventure. That there were no crew and suddenly more than was needed seems like such a boil.

Newer readers may not be aware that before travelling to Scarborough to purchase the Makina that it had been many decades since my previous sailing days. The sport of sailing has embraced the technologies that have emerged over that time. In no place more than navigation.

With the marina's wifi seemingly back online since yesterday attention was given to installing the Navionics package on my Android Tablet. It brings navigation to the level of piloting a vehicle in some xBox game with the chart graphics.

There are two big dangers of the electronic chart usage. One is that at different levels of zooming in and out of the chart image that different details may appear or disappear. So always good to give fully zoomed in a peek now and again. Second thing, of course, is when the lights go out. The power dies.

Pierre still holds firm saying that he has backups with the battery on his mobile as well as tablet. Its probably an old dog with a new trick kind of thing but the paper backup can't do you wrong, in my opinion. Getting to be a pretty pricey backup though.


May the wind be at your back!

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