A whole new Plan B

As Halifax looms within reach, calls have been made to all of the yacht clubs in and around the city for information on membership and availability to haul out Makina for the season. To date none have replied to my voicemails. Granted we are now in the thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, yet some had been called while still in PEI.

The one that did answer put me on a 60 person waiting lists! 😳

This was mentioned to Pierre in a text which he replied to with an incredible observation; that being that if no arrangements can be had then there is still the option of pushing on, after the closing of the sale of my property, south to the Caribbean.

The timing would be perfect just as if it had been planned for the end of hurricane season.


Rethinking the Passage

It had been something that had not crossed my mind but it makes perfect sense. Most of the passage has had a lot of waiting to see what life offered. This has already been talked about when discussing the different crew members that have joined me on the passage and how they had found their way into my life.

Such a Life Signal, as not being able to put Makina on the hard in Halifax, is a huge one and if no arrangements can be found then it does not only make sense but would be almost a requirement at this time of year.


This passage has given me great confidence, not only in myself but more importantly in Makina. After, what seemed to me, the perilous passage from Gaspe to Summerside she has shown herself to be very capable in harsh seas. With a sea anchor my feeling is that she would safely take me across oceans being able to ride out all but the strongest of storms.

So it seems there is a Plan B in place which had not even occurred to me. Meanwhile here we sit awaiting favorable weather.

An old friend from Halifax called this morning. He had been thinking of joining me on the passage from as far back as Scarborough, however his long time partner had been diagnosed with lung cancer and has recently passed. He is thinking of taking a bus to Port Hawkesbury and joining me for the last run to Halifax... and who knows possibly the Caribbean. He's still mulling over the run to Halifax part and is not yet aware of this new plan. 😎

This adventure is quite exciting as one never knows what the new day will bring.

May the wind be at your back!

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