🚴 My Cycling Log | 27/06

I just finished a 19.232km cycle that lasted about 0hh:52mm:34ss !


Yesterday evening after quite a busy day I went out for an hour (ish) on the bike; ended up riding about 20km and sensations were definitely still improving and I managed to ride a little faster than my past two rides. My ankle was feeling a little stiff before I set off, but by the end I don't recall noticing anything wrong with it. I tried to work on both pedalling technique and my position on the bike - the latter caused me a little discomfort as I was trying to get my body used to cycling in a more aero position, and combined with the fact I had a very empty stomach, my stomach was cramping up a little bit.

I've purchased a "smart" turbo trainer that comes with a speed & cadence sensor so I should be all set to try out some Zwift virtual riding. Very much looking forward to it! Hopefully I'll be able to get in on some Zwift virtual races every few evenings as cross-training for my running.

My Garmin watch is pushing down my race predictor times after every single ride so I'm happy that I'm making fitness progress wilst keeping my leg as stress-free as physically possible. I'll probably need to go for a run either today or tomorrow at my desired race pace (around 4:10 - 4:15/km) just to prepare for my 10k race on Sunday, but I'm feeling hopeful I'll be able to put in an okay time!


Check out some detailed info at my EXHAUST page
Join me in testing out EXHAUST!

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