🚴 My Cycling Log | 24/06

I just finished a 7.66km cycle that lasted about 0hh:21mm:15ss !


Now I'm on the final straight of my road to recovery after my leg injury post-Southampton Marathon, I'm keen to get straight back into regular exercise. I don't think I could run too regularly, so I decided today to head out on the bike for just a 20 minute spin. It was also ridiculously warm today, so I didn't really want to go any further, but if the temperature was a bit more welcoming, I might have headed out for an hour or so.

I really struggled with power on my first ride for 10 months on Friday, but I definitely felt a little bit of improvement today. I think I just haven't used the different parts of the muscle that are used during cycling for a long while, so my legs just aren't really used to pushing out watts. A couple more rides and I don't think that should be a problem, and then I can focus on ramping up the distance. There's a local 100 mile sportive at the start of September, so I definitely have my eyes on riding that and hopefully a few months is enough to properly get some training in!


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