Marathon Post #2

Running back to back

As promised yesterday, I was going to run again today and I managed to do it.

A picture of my course that I took a while back. Conditions were not this nice today!

I felt ok after yesterdays' run, but the weather did not relent. It was grey, cold and it had been snowing last night. In the first 2 kilometers I also had wind in my face. All this made for a horrible surface and plenty of puddles.

I did not expect to repeat yesterdays' results. Despite feeling good and having a fantastic first kilometer I started feeling some pains after about 2,5 km. This lasted all the way and really stopped my momentum. When I finished the 5km under 25 minutes, I was well surprised and very happy about this result.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-21 um 21.14.16.png

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-21 um 21.15.18.png

This was a fantastic experience running back to back and I feel I can get used to this. I will improve the distances slowly over the coming months towards the marathon and once I can pick up the routine I'll also start running 3 days in a row.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-21 um 21.27.03.png

As you can see I improved on almost every kilometer, except the last one where I was suffering.

The next couple of days I might not be able to post as I'll be very occupied, but I will do my best if I get a chance.

I keep finding out that many people have not heard of the @runningproject or its bot @isotonic, so if you're a runner and want to be rewarded, just join our community. It's easy and quick and the 1 SBD or Steem is earned back in no time as you get an upvote on EACH post, not just the ones about running.

Keep running and stay fit!


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