Countdown to my first Marathon - 28 days to go [48/50 #fiftyrunstillmay]

Yay it’s Saturday, that means Parkrun

I wasn’t sure Parkrun was going to go today as I was still a bit stiff from my long run on Thursday and my knee was hurting a bit. I had decided to run with my daughter and try and pace her to a sub 30 minute 5k. She can do it but hasn’t done it for quite a lot of weeks.


The weather was perfect for running which makes a change, it was about 6 degrees, cloudy and no wind.

We started further back in the crowd of runners than usual so we didn’t go off too fast, I wanted to try and stick to about a 6k pace. It all started well and my daughter seemed to be running quite comfortably but then we hit the hill at about the halfway mark. It is a killer although we managed to run up it once we hit the top our pace slowed. We kept going and at the lamppost near the end I encouraged my daughter to do a sprint finish. She did well, even though she was grumpy cause it hurt she was pleased as for the first time in weeks she did a sub 30 5k.



I love doing these Parkruns with my daughter and we also meet up with some other family members who run too.


Thanks for looking
Happy reading peeps 🖤

Proud to be part of @runningproject and @isotonic

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