[Run&Meditate Day 7] Jan 22th, 2018


Daily Running: Day 10

Fifty runs till may #10

Yiha! Today was a day 10 of my running and #FiftyrunstillMay.
If you have been reading my posts, I am running almost every day.
I would say I am addicted to the movement.
I just love it so much.

And today's run was a lot of fun.

I ran really fast. Well, not to Kenyan's standards, but to my standards.

Getting on the treadmill, I didn't really feel like running.
So I thought to myself, 'Well, let's just run 15 minutes and get off if I don't feel it.'

But when I was at 15 minutes, I felt my body really, really light.
I wanted to run faster, and faster, and faster.

And that's what I did, running last km in 3min 30seconds (max speed at 18.3km/h).

At that speed, I had to really concentrate on my form to not waste any energy or attention.

It felt really good to be that focused and tuned to myself.

Below are some numbers of today's run.

  • Distance: 7.3km

  • Where: Indoor gym, treadmill

  • Time: 34min

  • Speed Range: 6km/h ~ 18.3km/h

  • Run type: Easy became speed play

  • Incline: 1% throughout

  • Feeling before the run
    Tired and lethargic

  • During the run
    Running muse visited me and I let myself go. Speed took me, and it felt great!

  • Feeling after the run
    All smile and blissful.
    I had no stress throughout the day at work. Running perhaps helped... :)


  • Pull-ups: 3 sets of 3 different styles. 3, 4, and 4 reps. (total 30)
  • Jefferson-curl: 45lbs bar. 2.5kg on each side.

Daily Meditation: Day 13

Today, it is 13th day of my daily meditation.

Truth to be told, I did skip one day because I was hammered.
But I meditated right upon waking up, and before going to sleep that day.
I promise myself that that will never happen again.
I guess I will say, I almost skipped a day, and made up for it on the next day.

One goal I had for myself for year 2018 was to meditate every day.
I was postponing though.
I was saying to myself, "Well, I will start one day."

It took me 12 days to start Steemit and use this platform to give me social accountability.
I am really happy that I started this project here to share my experience and continue it every day.

Although it's been only 12 days, I have been recognizing some good effects of daily meditation.
Like how I am able to take my attention to my breathing when I feel stressed or frustrated at work.
Like how meditation 'continues' after the sitting; even now, writing this, I naturally bring my focus back to my breathing whenever I feel distracted, like wanting to look at coinmarketcap.

I am excited to keep continuing my journey.

  • Time: 15 minutes

  • Thoughts: Not much thoughts. To be honest, I don't remember... (I'm writing this 30min after meditation...)

  • Feeling Before The Meditation
    I took a little nap before the meditation. Feeling calm.

  • Meditation
    Not much thoughts...

  • Feeling After The Meditation
    Feeling centered. I went right into drawing.
    I have been staying away from it, because I was not focused.
    And today, I decided to do it at least 15 minutes.
    The picture of this post is the drawing I did.

  • Running background:
    I got hooked to running in 2013. Running barefoot on grass, slowly, I learned how to be one with the movement. I loved running so much that I wanted to see how world's best runners live and train. So I went to Iten, Kenya in the summer of 2015. I read a sort of ebook with a Korean content start-up called 'PUBLY' about my 5 weeks in Iten (link). I want to share my experience with people who speak English as well, so I have started translating the prologue chapter. I hope to share my story with you soon. Oh, until then, you can check out some of videos I took in Kenya. You will especially love this video of 10km race in Iten, which I filmed myself on the back of a motorbike.

  • Meditation background:
    I did a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat in 2011. There, I experienced a center of peace within myself. However, college, grad school, and real world slowly took me away from the practice. I am giving myself some social accountability by committing myself to meditate 15min before going to bed and upload a post about it on Steemit, along with my running post.

I chose to do 15 minutes because it does not feel too long nor insignificant. It feels very manageable, but at the same time long enough to induce me some equanimity and mindfulness.

Happy running and meditating!

Sung, a running turtle


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