[Run&Meditate Day 11] Jan 26th, 2018: A short day


Photo by Amanda Sandlin on Unsplash

Daily Running: Day 14

(Fifty runs till may #14)


Well, some days, you kinda run out of time, literally.
Today was a very busy day at office, and plus, I couldn't afford to run during lunch time b/c one of coworkers was leaving to another company and he offered to buy lunch for everyone in the team. It's sad to say bye cuz I was just getting to know him, and he was such a nice and smart dude.

Anyhow, I went to gym at 5:40PM, and I had to leave before 6:10PM to attend a lecture. So I decided to do a quick 20min work out.
Monkey in my head almost convinced me that 20min workout is not worth it, but I am glad I wasn't convinced.
That 20min workout gave me new dose of energy and pump of blood through my body.
I learned that 20min, or even 10min of focused exercise can do a lot of good, compared to doing nothing.

I also notice that I could have spent 10~20min thinking about whether I should exercise or not, which I sometimes do.

Slay your indecision with an immediate action: 1 is a lot bigger than 0

After all, I am in this for a long haul.

Any how, below are some details of the workout.

Running details

  • Distance: 1km
  • Where: Indoor gym, treadmill
  • Time: 6 min
  • Speed Range: 10~12km/h
  • Run type: oh well, not much time!
  • Incline: 1~2%


Feeling before the run

'Will this be worth it?'

During the run

'It's a shame I can only run 6 mins, but it feels good to move body.'

Feeling after the run

Awesome. Refreshed


  • Pull-ups: 1 set of 3 types. 5 reps each. slow and focused on form.
  • Bench press: 15kg on both sides x 5. 17.5kg on both sides x 5 x 2. 20kg on both sides x 3.

Daily Meditation: Day 16

  • Time: 15 minutes

  • Feeling Before The Meditation
    'Just took shower, and I am ready to mediate.'

  • During Meditation
    'What? Tomorrow is Saturday? That is awesome. Ah, okay, breathing... breathing..'

  • Feeling After The Meditation
    Refreshed. Put on some Pat Metheny, and writing on Steemit.

I need your thoughts!

I am have been enjoying writing daily reports of running and meditating on Steemit.
Although I do not have much of followers right now, It feels great to share my running and meditation experience with the community, and consistently putting out running and meditation content.

But I am feeling it is quite a stretch for me.

I want to write more in-depth, focused posts, but writing these daily reports take a lot of my mental muscle.
It's kinda exhausting because whenever I am on my way home, in my head goes, 'Oh, daily report!'
And I don't get to plan and design longer and in-depth posts.

These longer, in-depth posts include

  • My experience in Kenya, living and running with World's best runners and what I learend about their secret (translating already finisehd and publisehd work in Korean)
  • Tips and nuggets for running, health, and maintaining healthy weight and decent fitness
  • Reviews on my favorite books (running, marketing, psychology, art)
  • My artworks and stories behind them
  • Some Korean food recipes and videos I make with my mom

If I turn these daily posts into weekly reports, I will have more time to plan and write above content.

This will also give me some more time to work on organization and presentation of my daily running and meditation.
Put them into graphs, tables, and charts maybe.

Of course, I will continue my daily meditation. After 16 days of successful daily meditation, I think I have turned into a habit now. I can't go to sleep without meditation (well, except that one day where I got drunk and went straight to bed :D)

As you can see, I am quite leaning towards turning daily reports into a daily report, and writing one in-depth post a week.

However, It'd be really helpful for me to hear from you.
Are these daily reports helpful? Inspiring? Beneficial to you?

Or would you like to hear about my running and meditation once a week with more in-depth analysis and presentation, and also read my other stories and posts?

Please let me know what you think by leaving comments!

Happy running and meditating!

Sung, a running turtle

Just sharing some delicious Korean food I had tonight.... after the lecture.
It was 9PM and I was so hungry, so I had to eat something.


My 2nd dinner, awesome Kimchi stew


Side dishes: Mushroom, fishcake, and tofu stew. All of these together, just 7 USD.. amazing!

Little background on why I run and meditate

  • Why running?
    I got hooked to running in 2013. Running barefoot on grass, slowly, I learned how to be one with the movement. I loved running so much that I wanted to see how world's best runners live and train. So I went to Iten, Kenya in the summer of 2015. I read a sort of ebook with a Korean content start-up called 'PUBLY' about my 5 weeks in Iten (link). I want to share my experience with people who speak English as well, so I have started translating the prologue chapter. I hope to share my story with you soon. Until then, please check out some of the videos I took in Kenya. You will especially love this video of 10km race in Iten, which I filmed myself on the back of a motorbike. In my channel, there are many exercise and stretching videos that you will find beneficial as well. Follow me for more updates :)

  • Why meditating?
    I did a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat in 2011. There, I experienced a center of peace within myself. However, college, grad school, and real world slowly took me away from the practice. I am giving myself some social accountability by committing myself to meditate 15min before going to bed and upload a post about it on Steemit, along with my running post. I chose to do 15 minutes because it does not feel too long nor insignificant. It feels very manageable, but at the same time long enough to induce me some equanimity and mindfulness.


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