Thoughts during a run

I had a great run this morning, nothing fast just a long slow run with a great friend who doesn't talk to much. So I thought I would share what I think about
I usually try not to think to much at the start of an early morning run, I have this theory that I can get half way through the run before my conscious me realises I am running again :) :) :)
Then I start thinking about the day ahead and very quickly jump back to the previous day and sift through all the positive and negatives incidents. For example a new business idea, a new friend, a beautiful sunset or a disagreement, my reactions to an incident or overpaying for something that I needed but was in to much of a hurry to shop around for

Sometimes I find myself working through something I have read, for instance I read an article about a young woman that have survived and over come an abusive relationship, did she realise she was being manipulated, did the other person realise he was being abusive, did she consciously make the decision to overcome that very trying period in her life and so on and so on

By this time I have settled down and am really starting to relax and enjoy the run, I guess its my sort of meditation.
At the end of a run I always feel great, and have strengthened my kinship with life, the universe, my fellow runners and am ready to face the days challenges

Have a fantastic day :)

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