Last Minute Change

Last night saw the start of this year's Mota-vation Series; monthly 4-ish mile races around Oxfordshire.

I was a bit tight from my 800m race the day before but was just going to see what I could do.

Unfortunately a car accident on the course meant organisers had to delay the start and the make a last minute revision to the course.

It meant instead of being just a touch over 4 miles, we'd be racing over 5.2 miles. Not quite what my tired legs were after!


They shouted at me almost the whole way round so much that my legs just couldn't drive as hard as I was hoping - my heart rate was around 10bpm lower than normal for that type of race.

Fortunately an experienced club mate who was marshalling reminded me with just under a mile to go to push and hurt all the way to the finish.

I overtook 4 people almost straight away and I was surprised how much I could find.


It ended up as my fastest run over that distance so got to be happy with that!

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