First Run Day

So a couple of weeks ago, I finally got round to starting the Couch to 5k (c25k) programme, put my trainers on and waddled out for half an hour down by the river. The programme is really gentle and as everyone seems to say "even I could do it". I'm using the BBC app which has a choice of "trainers" who talk you through when to run and when to walk and give you some other tips along the way.

I recorded this after the first one and I'm amazed to find that tomorrow I'm due to do my eighth "run" in just over two weeks. I've had a bit of soreness here and there and needed to gen up on how to stretch properly before and after. I've also found out what that foam roller that my wife keeps with her yoga mat is for!

There's a few more video diaries to come, but I'm just about brave enough to show this one now that it's sinking in that it's something I can do.

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