Registration for the Bunny Hash's annual "Cherry Breaker" run has been opened

The Bunny Hash is the women only Hash Chapter that we have here in Chiang Mai. The reason for the existence of such a thing is because traditionally the Hash House Harriers was men only. We stick to that tradition on the Monday Hash meetups. Just to show that this is purely because of history and tradition and not any sort of sexism, we decided to make a women only Hash group as well. Similar things exist around the world as well although they have more crude names than "bunny" for their names.

Each year the men's and mixed group (men and women) chapters have a "BallBreaker" event and the ladies host a "Cherry Breaker." These runs are simply a lot longer and more elaborate than the normal meetups.


These events take place in exactly the same manner as any of the other events in the Hash House Harriers but there is just a lot more pink color than there would normally be and women operate all the management top to bottom. They sometimes allow men to participate as well but normally this will result in some well-intentioned making fun of you while you are there. I have attended several of their events by invitation and had to wear a skirt and bunny ears during the circle. The rest of the event was exactly the same.

The "Cherrybreaker" takes a lot of time and planning though since these are normally 3-part runs with each section of the run being around 5-7km each. This is a lot of work for most people and it will take several hours for those attempting to complete the entire thing. The only way to get top awards is to complete the entire trail but there are no penalties if you bow out early. Just like in the other Hash events though, if you bail on the trail, you cannot partake in any of the free beer until the runners who complete the entire thing return.

One added benefit of the events the women here in Chiang Mai do is that they always have much better food than the ones that the men host. If we ever have food at all it is normally something that comes in a can or just some fruit. I guess we are just a lot more focused on the beer.


This is their crudely made advertisement for the upcoming event and what can I say? We are a bunch of beer drinkers that enjoy the outdoors, we're not graphic designers. If you are a woman and want to participate, getting registered is as easy as going to our official website and popping off an email to whoever the hell it is that answers those things in our organization.

You do not need to be a member in order to participate. As time gets closer to go time, they will almost certainly open up registration to a handful of men as well. We have to wait and see if that happens though.

On On!


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