10 non-standard recipes for SOUSVIDE.

The potential of this invention is not limited to the preparation of tender steaks of meat and fish. Below-10 ideas on how to use your polysciense to the full (or a reason to buy it).

You can prepare crème brûlée or other desserts by setting the desired temperature.


In addition to the ease of preparation, suvid is a great way to warm up the chilled puree. Unlike pot, where it can burn, suvid ensure uniform heating.


Not a typo. Perfect burgers for a large company, prepared in suwide. You don't need a grill.

Herb oils

Want to use fragrant oil but don't want to spend money? Make it yourself. We infuse the oil for three hours. It is longer than on a conventional stove, but the flavor is preserved for several months.

Cottage cheese.

Become a professional cheese maker in your kitchen.

French fries

For the perfect French fries, we use the recipe of Heston Blumenthal, consisting of three stages. It is worth trying at least once. This will become your standard.


Really weird, but it works. Blanched at 60 C for a few minutes oysters are easy to open. Calculate the time and you will no longer see the small parts of the shell in the brine surrounding the clam.


Precise temperature control allows you to prepare rich and saturated funds.


All the same principles of custard for a good cocktail


Continuing the theme of drinks, we note that subid significantly reduces the time of preparation of the tinctures (berries, spices).

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