Romania , Tourist in my country - Bucegi mountains

About the Bucegi Mountains a word from the people says they are so tall that they touch the sky with their forehead, and when the weather is favorable and the clear sky above from the Bucegi Mountains the entire country, all Transylvania and the Carpathians in the East, the tireless Danube And winding, the Black Sea and the vast metropolis of Bucharest. And in Bucegi many legends, myths and superstitions were born, it is believed that these mountains are charmed, emitting a very powerful energy, as they would be the energy pole of Romania and the place where the worlds meet, and people can charge energy or Healing miraculously.

The legend of Mount Caraiman

Mount Caraiman, with its peak of 2,384 meters, is visible from the Prahova Valley, being easily recognized by the cross of the Heroes at the base of Caraiman Peak. The legends say that this rocky mountain once inhabited a great and rich sorcerer, Caraiman, hence the name of the mountain that derives from the Turkish words the black and the imam / iman = leader, priest (ruler or black priest). The wizard was endowed with unusual powers, and when he was blowing in the spear, the forests and environs turned and flourished. And because the sorcerer had a large family, with many children who quarreled over the fortune of the wizard, one day Caraiman divided his fortune into an equal share to everyone, but it was not long before the lazy children lost all their possessions , Coveted at the wealth of hardworking brothers who were enriched. Thus the rest of the brethren began restlessness and beating, and the sorcerer, seeing that he was unable to reconcile them, was sad and began to cry so much that his tears turned into rivers that flowed to the sea. After a while, the children of the sorcerer revolted against their father, and while Caraiman was asleep they were trying to tear his magic pyramid but were stopped by a terrible storm that broke into the wizard's defense. About Wizard Caraiman is believed to be still asleep while holding the bagpipes under the tongue, and sometimes starts to sound when the storm swells and descends to the Prahova Valley.

Legend of "Babele"

About the natural monument of the Baba , the locals and the shepherds tell that on the top of the mountain lived a very bad woman on her soul, her name Dochia, and who on March 1 she sent her nora to collect the beasts. Nora's old lady listened to her wanting to please Dochia, and as she went, she met God transformed into an old lady who gave her a handful of sheep. Returning home with the early fragile, Dochia thought that the weather was still warm, and with her 9 coats she decided to go with the sheep on the mountain. The first 9 days on the mountain were very warm, so Dochia has been releasing a groom every day. But on the very ninth day when the last cake was thrown, a strong wind began and froze, and the sheep with its sheep turned into ice. Over time, ice slopes have petrified and can be found today in the Bucegi Mountains under this form of "babe."

Legend of the Omu Peak

Also in Bucegi, thousands of years ago, due to the storm and the rain, a shepherd strayed and trying to find his lost womens to ascend to the highest peak of the mountains. But because of the weather, even here he was unable to turn and angry, he began to curse and curse. God angrily punished the unfaithful shepherd, and transformed him into a visible and present rock, namely the Peak of Omu .

Chalet Omu

The Legend of the Ialomiţa Cave Hermitage

About the building of the Ialomiţa Cave , the legends say that Mihnea Voda came once in the Bucegi Brains, to the cave at Obrsia Ialomiţei, to consult a famous witch who lived there, instead of guessing her luck and making them Love began to curse him greatly that the frightened Voda fled through the forests until he fell out of the woods. Some shepherds giving it took him and offered him shelter at a sheephouse where Mihnea Voda returned to herself and decided to build a hermitage in the mouth of the cave and arranged there some monks to thank him for having Escaped alive.

Cave of Ialomita

Legend of the Tartar Keys

Among the most beautiful legends is the one of the Bucegi Tartar Keys, which tells us that ethnic Mongolian ethnic groups, called Tatars, had come from Asia, from the Golden Horde State, to search for land rich in food and gold, Through our parts, attracted by the beauty of the place. In order for their possessions to be safe, the Tatars wore the heavy keys of the barriers, but in one of the incursions, the Tatars saw Babele and the Sphinx, and their supernatural beauty enchanted them. Still admiring the beautiful stones left at night, and the sky covered with thousands of stars as the Tatars had never seen before. Fascinating, to bring this news to those who were waiting for them in their country, the invaders stood in their saddles and forgot the care of the keys they had lost in the mountains, precisely in the place where the Tartar Keys are today. The legend also says that in the days when the clouds leave over the mountains, covering and hiding the peaks, the mountains lose their keys in the fog. Then, on endless paths, you can see long rows of small and black men who move around the mountain ridges, striking their heads in desperate wands on the cold stone. These would be the spirits of the Tartars in the mountains, who are still looking for the Tartar Keys to recover their treasures.

The corner flower legend

Another legend reminds of the immortal star of the Bucegi, and it is said that the star that guided the three magi from the East to the place of Jesus' birth broke loose over the Bucegi in thousands of stars, and each star turned into a white flower It is never wondrous, soft flowers like wool and star-shaped, called corner flower , Bucegi flower or simple flower.

Flower flower in Bucegi

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