Road to Steemfest - Business or Pleasure?


Steemfest is where I doll up to my best outfits, put on the crimson red lipstick, only talk to people after making sure they have whale status worthy Steem Power, and try to get them all to upvote me by using my femme fatale ways. I’ll lure them in with my apple and once they get a bite, they’ll be mine forever.

I’m kidding I’m kidding, relax!

For this weeks Road to Steemfest, I proposed to @anomadsoul that we should all write if the Steemfest trip is business or pleasure. I was being selfish because that is what I wanted to write about on this fine week, and I'm curious about how other people view the event.

These days, my life both outside and inside the internet is business and pleasure all wrapped into one. I’m sure I have mentioned this many times before, but I am never fully on holiday anymore, it’s always a bit of business also, I’m also never really just working, what I do is also pleasure for me. Steemfest is the same thing also. It is of course a possibility to network and advertise yourself, as well as just have a good time with people, get drunk and explore the city of Krakow.

For me, being around people 24/7, new and old friends feels like work, because I get drained by social situations pretty fast. It's something I've been trying to get a little better at, so I won't feel like running away to some forest alone. I always need to be in completely solitude for a few days prior and post trips, to recharge the social butterfly batteries.

I think this year will be a lot more relaxed for me, so I can concentrate on more being on holiday than being on a business trip, even though now I am a full time Steemian, compared to being a newbie last year. I will definitely post something during the trip, but I want to be present for most of the time, live in the moment and all that. Last year I spend quite a lot of time on my own, because I didn't know many people and I'm super shy! I also have zero interest of listening to any presentations, I'm not going to Steemfest because of those, but because of the people.

I really want to do some photography during the trip, which is both business and pleasure to me, but that won't be my main goal. I really want to concentrate on making deeper connections (you'd like to think that in a very dirty way, wouldn't you!?) with both the people I already know, and the new people I meet.

Ps. I bought my Steemfest ticket yesterday, so now it's official official that I am definitely going! Plane ticket, Airbnb and Steemfest ticket, all payed for!

The picture is from a few years back, modelled, styled and photographed by yours truly.

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