1000 STARBITS Writing Competition! (Ends 23 February)


Hi guys!!
After my 1st post in which I told a little bit about me, my rising star perspective, and some other stuff that you may be interested in (@dilox/my-first-step-to-be-a-rockstar-or-thats-what-i-want-), I decided to make some sort of giveaway, but with creativity.
I'm just giving 1000 starbits due to the fact that I started recently and I don't have much to give, in the future I hope to increase the prize :)

Rules are simple:

-Write in the comment section, a story, anecdote, fairy tail, anything, but has to be about Rising Star. I don't really care much about what are you choosing, it just needs to be something that's good to read (funny, interesting, epic, etc...)
-It has no minimum or maximum words restriction, be free, you can win with a 10 words text, or with a 10000 words one.
-You can write your text in English, French, or Spanish, as those are my 3 languages, but I prefer it to be in English for everyone to understand.
-I'll choose the winner, but if a comment has a lot of likes, I'll take that in consideration too.

Don't forget to put your nick at the end of the text in case you win!

Have fun and thanks for participating!

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