Independent 5 Star Video Reviews on YouTube

Here's an interesting topic that might raise some questions from content creators but probably more so business owners or E commerce geeks who might consider star ratings to be an important aspect of their marketing and brand image.

As this is also my first blog post on Hive/PEAKD with this channel, I'd also like to introduce you to some useful online resources and of course my growing YouTube Channel where I post all of my 5 Star Video Reviews!

I'll include some useful links at the bottom of the page.

While good reviews, like a 5 star rating, might give a good impression to start with, however as time goes on it may be impossible to maintain the overall rating if the rating is accumulative with more than 1 review and so this may not look so good at first glance if for example a rating drops from 5 to 4.5 or below.

However, with that said... I think most people understand that it may be near impossible to maintain an over all 5 star rating if the rating is accumulative where there is a possibility of manipulation or even sabotage which in some instances may be monitored and controlled and on the other hand there may not be any way to detect it.

Further to that I think it's just inevitable that some people might not leave you the well deserved 5 star review because of something superficial or unavoidable which means we should also consider the fact that maybe not all reviews are fair nor an actual true reflection.

Personally, I like to focus more on Independent 5 Star Reviews and preferably with a video review where I can get to learn more about that particular product or service. That's why I decided to create a new YouTube Channel dedicated to nothing other than Independent 5 Star Reviews.

My most recent reviews can be found on my YouTube Channel

I'll be posting content regularly through social networks and on my new YouTube Channel - So be sure to like, follow and subscribe.

To Your Success!

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Useful links and resources

ClickWisdom 5 Star Reviews on YouTube

CR7Drive Product Knowledge | Herbalife Nutrition with Paul Nulty

Eufy Video Security Camera Doorbell 1080p Product Review

Awakened Millionaire Academy 5 Star Review

ClickWisdom ClickBank 5 Star Product Review Site


CBPROADS Get Your Own DFY Affiliate Niche ClickBank Store Front 5 Star Review Site

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