Let's Talk Runaways 1.9: 'Doomsday'

Woah! What an exciting episode! What an incredible build-up! Now everything is out in the open, and there are only two big mysteries left to solve: who really killed Amy, and what the mineral beneath the city is.

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The episode begins by showing exactly what happened the night Molly's parents died, and how she got her abilities. Turns out Geoffrey was right all along by suspecting Tina's and the PRIDE's involvement, but it was Leslie who had actually planted the bomb, just with Tina's knowledge. And as little Molly holds the pretty rock in the midst of the fire, her eyes glow...

Fast forward to present day. Molly never returns to her cousin Graciela's place. Karolina confides in Frank and tells him everything they'd found out, down to Chase smashing the evidence. Nico is unable to get Amy's phone (again!) before leaving for school. And Chase realises with a shock his mother is actually afraid that PRIDE would kill him if he nosed.
At school, the gang gets together again. Tempers are still running --Alex still hasn't forgiven Chase for smashing up his laptop, even though hehad already apologised. But even without a clear sense of what to do next, noone want the group to break up again. The teenagers have found themselves, and it's quite touching to see, especially when tough Nico tears up and Gert angrily (as usual) buys them all tickets to the school dance as one thing they could do together. And what's a teen movie without a schmoopy school dance, right?


Then Molly shows up, and the kids discover that things are way more serious than they thought. From the tape left Molly by her parents, they learn that the dig PRIDE was flagging off at that very moment was liable to sink the entire city into the ocean. The parents aren't aware (though the kids don't know this), but they do suspect the mineral being mined has nothing to dowith renewable energy, as Jonah had told them at the beginning. Still, they are just glad that, with the drill now turned on, everything they had been doing as PRIDE was drawing to a finish.
However, the teenagers have realised it's no longer about exposing their parents but stopping the entire operation. They make a plan to use the school dance as a cover to do something, and then all go home to prepare.

Now everything has a 'last day' feel to it, especially Chase saying goodbye to his mother. Nico finally accesses Amy's phone and sees her last message. Dale and Stacy finally learn from Graciela that Molly has runaway. And Jonah, now fully informed by Frank, calls for an immediate PRIDE meeting. At the dance, still in the 'last day' vibes, Gert finally abandons caution and tells Chase how she really feels, and he two hook up. Karolina does the same with Nico, and the two share a kiss.


At Jonah's, the parents learn the truth of their kids activities at last. Tensions are high between members and he distrust among them clearer than ever. But Jonah doesn't care. He sends them off to find the kids under threat, and they rush home, only to find the kids have packed up heir weapons --the gloves, the wand, and the dinosaur.

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It's mission time. The teenagers get to the construction site, but they are forced to call Frank Dean to gain access, revealing their location. They destroy as much as they can, Molly doing an incredible act of pushing a Mack truck into the hole and Chase destroying the Drill's control panel. However before Nico can fill the hole, the parents arrive and he staff is magicked out of her hands into Tina's. At last everything is out in the open, and the teenagers face off against their parents, showcasing their full abilities and telling them plainly: 'We were a family. We are not on the same side anymore'.

Runaways returns on Tuesday with the season finale '', exclusively on Hulu!

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