Male and Female Reproductive Health Complementary

[[ Male and Female Reproductive Health Complementary ]]

Most people think that the disorder to have offspring is only caused by the woman. Though this problem 20-30 percent can be caused by men. Therefore, maintaining male reproductive health also needs to be done carefully.

There are many things in the everyday lifestyle of men that can be risky to interfere with fertility, ranging from bad habits, less than ideal physical conditions, and poor self-care.

Here are the things that can be done to maintain male reproductive health.

Stop Drinking Excessively and Smoking

Normal sperm in large quantities is a key to a higher chance of fertility. But men who like to drink excessively and / or risk lower quality or damage sperm.

Keeping Weight

Opportunities to have offspring can be reduced if a man is obese. To find out if your weight is normal, check with your doctor or calculate with a body mass index calculator.

Keep Your Testis Fixed at Cool Temperatures

The sperm count is also determined by the temperature of the testes. To increase the chances of getting a descent, the testicles should be in temperature -1-2 degrees lower than the overall body temperature. or at a temperature of about 34.5 degrees Celsius. To lower the temperature of the testicles, there are several ways that can be done.

Limit bath with warm water, let alone soak in warm water.
If your job takes a long time to sit still, take a pause to stand up and walk elsewhere.
If you work in a hot area, take some time regularly to be in a cool place.
Wear loose and comfortable underwear that is tight and risky.
If done continuously, the ways above can help maintain the temperature of the testicles and support good sperm production.

Avoid Exposure to Toxins and Exposure to Dangerous Environments

Protect yourself also from toxic pesticides, lead, and mercury. Also avoid exposure to radioactive substances. These things are at risk of reducing fertility rates

Sports and Healthy Eating

Quality sperm can be obtained from eating a healthy and fresh food, and exercise regularly. But avoid doing excessive exercise because the body will release too much steroid hormone which can further affect fertility.

In addition, make sure you consume at least five servings of vegetables and fruit each day, carbohydrates, protein, and low-fat meat.

Having Sex Regularly

A healthy penis is one that has an erection on a regular basis. When erect, oxygen in the blood fills the penis and makes it tense. Erections that occur during sleep are normal because programmed by brain signals. According to a professor through his research, if a man does not get an erection regularly, then the penis risk becomes more inelastic and shrink to 1-2 cm.


Humans are created as men and women, who are distinguished by sex or sex. Sex gives the nature of manhood or masculinity and the nature of feminine or feminine, so that manusai also referred to as sexual beings. Sexual is anything related to sex.

Sex distinguishes men and women, both physically biologically. Nor is psycho social. Physically biological, visible differences in bones, muscles, skin, hair, face, cheeks, chin, neck, chest, arms, waist, thighs, calves, voice, etc. Psycho-social, the difference is seen in the way of thinking, feeling, how to behave and act, also in the way of sex and sex appetite. Overall the figure of a man expresses violence, strength, knackle, and mighty that are encouraging, giving, keeping, protecting, and mastering. In having sex, men generally become initiators. For men, status, career and effort, occupy a higher role than love, family and home.

On the contrary, the female figure expresses the subtlety, flexibility, beauty, and tenderness that are alluring, receiving, enjoying and nurturing. Women want to be loved and protected. In having sex, women are generally passive and waiting. For women, love, family, and home, it has a more important role than status, career, and effort.

Masculinity and feminine are divine graces that complement each other. "It's not good for the manuisa itself. I will make a helper for him worthy of him. Then God God made the man sleep soundly. As he slept, the Lord God took a rib from him, and then closed the place with flesh. And out of the ribs that he had taken, he built a woman, and brought him to the man "(Genesis 18: 2-21).

Thus God created women, not from the leg bones for stepping on, not from the bones of the heads to dominate, but from the ribs, close to the arms for easy embracing, and close to the heart, to always be loved. Therefore men and women are equal partners, but different. Differences encourage them to attract each other, complement each other and unite through love. Every form of love always contains masculine and feminine elements.


        PMS is a disease that can be transmitted through sex. Including PMS is gonorrhea, syphilis (lion king), klumidia, ulcus mole, genital herpes, hepatitis B, candida fungus and HIV / AIDS. What is often encountered is HIV / AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis.


Diebabkan by the HIV virus (Human Immuno deficiency Virus) that damage the defense system and the immune system. AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno deficiency Syndrome, a symptom that is felt by people who have long suffered or infected with HIV. Incubation period from 6 months to tens of years.

Symptoms of AIDS:
Fatigue, shortness of breath, and prolonged cough.
Frequent fever and night sweats without cause.
Weight loss decreases prominently without cause.
Gland enlargement without cause.
Bluish blotches on skin like skin cancer.
White patches and cuts in mouth.
Since HIV germs weaken and damage the body's defense system, people infected with HIV are vulnerable to all other diseases. Until now there is no vaccine or drug to prevent and treat people with HIV.

b. Gonorrhea

It is caused by gonococcal bacteria, which belongs to the plurality and has acid resistance.

Incubation period in men about 2-5 days, characterized by a sense of heat and itching at the tip of the penis, the pain of urine and pus out with blood. In women often without symptoms, so it is generally only known at an advanced stage with whitish symptoms with fishy odor.

Gonorrhea infections, leaving the former connective tissue in the male urethra and in the vagina and cervix of women resulting in infertility (sperm will die if passed through connective tissue)

c. Syphilis

It is caused by a spiral-shaped treponemal palidum. Syphilis can attack all organs of the body, with an incubation period of 10-90 days, but generally around 3 weeks.

Initial symptoms are clean, and without pain, around the genitals. At an advanced stage, spots appear on the skin throughout the body in the accompanying swollen glands. After 10-20 years of infection, germs can damage the cardiovascular system (syphilis kariovaskuler) and nervous system (neurosyphilis), syphilis pregnant women can transmit to the fetus through the placenta.

Better Circumcision

The penis can be a nest for bacteria to multiply. Research found at least 42 types of bacteria found in the skin of the penis. In this case, circumcision becomes important. The study found that circumcision can bring many health benefits, including:

Type of bacteriahe folds on the uncircumcised penis are at risk of becoming a habitat for bacteria that do not require oxygen.
Circumcision is also associated with lower risk of HIV based on some studies. WHO recommends circumcision as an HIV prevention effort. According to WHO, the risk of HIV in circumcised men is reduced by 60 percent compared to uncircumcised ones. Allegedly one cause is anaerobic bacteria (which do not need oxygen) causes delays in the immune system against HIV infection.
Circumcised men are less likely to transmit sexually transmitted diseases to their partners.
A well-known child and wellness organization also states the benefits of circumcision in preventing penile cancer, HIV, some sexually transmitted diseases to urinary tract infections.
By applying the above simple ways, male reproductive health can be better preserved and the chances of having offspring become higher.

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