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1.You must appreciate and compliment your spouse - Don't let the secretary, colleagues, the boss or friends do the job for you. Fish is never safe in the hands of a rat. Nothing gratifies as a compliment from someone's spouse. Don't hoard it, give it freely. On the other hand, you are your spouse's mirror. When appearance isn't appealing, do let him/her know. However, say it but protect his/her dignity.

2.You must have sex - I have heard most ladies saying I don't like sex, why exactly did you go into marriage for if you don't like sex?
Some will say is marriage all about sex? No its not but its the engine oil that keeps marriage from rusting OK. Sexual relationship is prohibited outside of marriage. But when married, it becomes compulsory. One will wonder why we have to talk about sex in marriage again! Isn't that one of the major reasons why people get married? It looks like sex loses its attraction when people get married. Reason is because of the challenges of life and running a family. So, couples must find good ways of remaining sexually active. However, you must not weary your spouse with inconsiderate demands. Be considerate of the demands of work, and other pressures of life. Whatever you do, make sure you put the wellbeing of your spouse into consideration.

3.Share your dreams - plans and feelings. Don't force your opinion on your spouse. Be a good marketer, advertise your plans. Play the role of a good sales rep. Make sure he/she buys the product. Once that is done, the person will give you necessary support. Do not hide your plans. Marriage is a teamwork. You should express your feelings to your spouse. Don't leave him/her in the dark.


4.Play with your spouse - Loosen up. Don't make your home a military zone. There should be sound of laughter heard in your home. Children who grow up in a home of laughter and peace become emotionally balanced.

5.Be responsible - Play your role well. Don't abandon your assignment for your spouse. When you can't meet up, explain. Be there in good or bad times. If you abandon your spouse when things go awry, God won't clap for you. Tough times should make couples bond.

6.Spend quality time with your spouse - Some couples are now married to smartphone. Social media is their lover. Sometimes, drop the phone, talk with your spouse. Look at your spouse. Pay attention to his/her needs. Nothing takes the place of time. Love is spelt as T. I. M.E.

7.Share your money - When it's about money, friends can become enemies. Money is a servant, not a master, and it should serve couples well. Some men have the tendency of hiding their money from their wives. Sometimes, it's as a result of some women's outrageous demands. Understand that you are in a marriage to add value and not to drain the life of someone else. Money should serve for the good of the family, and not to tear it apart.

May God bless your home! May those seeking to be married get it right! May God provide all necessary resources to run a successful marriage! Have a nice day ahead.

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