My Reiki Master Healer degree or 3A

The Reiki Master Healer degree helped me to grow personnally.

Thanks to Reiki 3A, I accessed the Reiki Master symbol and received information about its use.

By means of two reconciliations (initiation situations) I became more closely linked to the energetic field. The master symbol was activated.

With this degree I could support my spiritual awareness and strengthen my ability to give and receive unconditional love.

In addition to the Master Symbol I also received 8 additional symbols, which are also used in Karuna Ki Reiki®: Harth, Kriya, Om, Zonar, Halu, Shanti, Gnosa and Iava)and one from the Tibetan Reiki system: the four serpent (Four dragon or Nin Giz Zida).

For those symbols I received an explanation of how to use them. In addition, I practiced a number of new Reiki techniques: Reiki combined with crystals (the Reiki crystal grid), Giving Reiki to objects, Cleaning spaces and the creation of sacred space.

This degree was the most powerful of all. I realize that I still have a lot of work to do.

Thank you for taking the time to read this publication.

Bright blessings !
With love !

Photography from Pexels and used under the CC0 license.


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