Veggie Haggis and Jalapeño Pakora!

Haggis, that most mysterious of Scottish creatures...

Hunted almost to extinction, causing the canny Scots to search for an alternative. Thus was the vegetarian haggis born. A healthy mix of fresh vegetables, pulses, oatmeal, many seeds and eldritch scottish spices.

But why stop there? Let's jazz this up with some Indian styling!! Pakora! Crispy, battered and spicy with lots of Jalapeño pepper, let's go!!

You will need

1 vegetarian haggis.
Half a cup of gram flour (Chickpea flour)
A cup of water
1 teaspoon of cumin
Half a teaspoon of garam masala
Quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric
Enough oil to deep fry the haggis in, I used about a pint in a small pot.

Most important of all
2 big fat jalapeños, if they ain't big then use 3

To make

First the haggis balls

Finely chop your jalapeños

Crumble the haggis between your fingers in a bowl

Add your jalapeños

And mix together

Now using your hands, dig into that haggis'y mess and start forming them into little balls about an inch in width.

Now for the pakora batter

Add the flour, cumin, garam masala & turmeric together into a bowl

Lol, looks like a fancy dessert!

Pour in half a cup of water and stir it all in.
It will be very thick, keep adding water a tablespoon at a time and stirring in till its the consistency of thick cream. (You don't have to use all the water)

Now get your oil on in a pan until deep frying temperature - about 180 centigrade.

Roll your balls in the batter. (The haggis balls!!)

and plop in the hot oil, fry for about two to three minutes till golden brown. I do them in batches of four.

Once fried, place on some kitchen paper till they are all done.

And that's you!!! Amazing spicy haggis pakora!!!

Tuck in, drink some whisky too!!

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