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Special Semai (Vermicelli) Making Recipe

Semai (vermicelli) is one of our favorite food in India and Bangladesh. Semai is the local name of it. It is a common sweet meal. In traditional style, the meal is always eaten. Take a look at the recipe of a special Semai recipe in a slightly different style.

At first let see a brief info about the recipe:
Preparation Time: 30min
Cook Time: 30min
Ready Time: 1h
Yield: 1 Serving Dish
Servings: 10-12 Person
Cuisine: Bengali, Indian.

Now let see the list of the ingredients:

  • Ghee (clarified butter): 2 tablespoons
  • Lachcha Semai: 2 packet
  • Sugar: 1 cup
  • Cornflower: 4 tablespoons
  • Cream: 1/2 cups
  • Milk Powder: 1/2 cup
  • Condensed Milk: 1/2 cup
  • Milk: 1 liter


Step by step guidelines:
Step 1
First heat ghee in a pan.

Step 2
After that, light fry the semai with ghee.

Step 3
If the season of light-fried, add one cup of sugar to it.

Step 4
Once the sugar is mixed with semai. Now mix two tablespoons of milk powder and mix well.

Step 5
After this, take one liter of milk and boil it until it become 1/2 liter.

Step 6
Then add 1/2 cup condensed milk, 1/2 cup cream, 1/2 cup milk powder and 4 tablespoons cornflower. Mix all together and boil them for 10 minutes and make cream.

Step 7
Now take 1/4 part of semai what was fried before and store it in a pot.

Step 8
Now take the cream what we made before in step 6. Pour the cream in the semai pot and wait for 5 minuets.

Step 9
After 5 minutes, when the cream becomes a little cold, spread the rest of semai with it.

Step 10
After that, serve with your favorite dry fruit and serve the yummy Sweet Semai.

Thanks for stopping by. Stay tuned.

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