How to make Cheese Fingers at Home : Recipe

Recipe for Cheese Fingers

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  • 500g of a block of a soft cheese, which melts easily
  • 3 eggs
  • bread crumbs
  • Salt
  • Oil


1.- The first thing is to cut the block of cheese. In any market they sell cheese like emmental or mozzarella in blocks of 250 or 500g. We cut it with a knife of a size similar to the index finger.

2.- Once cut, we pass the fingers first, for beaten egg, to which we have added a pinch of salt. Then for bread crumbs, then again for beaten egg and again for bread crumbs. With this to pass it twice by egg and bread crumbs, we will get a very crispy outer layer, in addition to making the cheese fingers seal better.

3.- Once all are breaded, we keep them in the fridge for about an hour. That the breaded with the fingers is well seated.

4.- After the time, fry them in abundant oil, over a high heat. After about a minute we remove them and place them on absorbent paper, before serving them.

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