Risoles Simple Content of Vegetables

Hello all
Today I will share cooking tips risoles. risoles is a pastry filled with meat, usually minced meat and vegetables wrapped in a fried, breaded and fried after panir and whisk the eggs.

Two types risoles known in Indonesia is risoles meat sauteed mixed vegetables, and risoles contains ragout. Risoles rectangular shape is like an envelope. Risoles triangular shaped generally contain edible ragout.Risoles dilute with peanut sauce, condiment bottles, or cayenne pepper.

Ingredients :10 servings 250 grams of flour 2 tablespoons flour Kanji 2 pieces Eggs Flour taste panir Salt to taste 1 tablespoon melted butter Water taste Cooking oil to taste .

Material contents: 1 piece Carrot 2 pieces Potatoes 3 cloves Onion 2 cloves of garlic Pepper to taste Salt to taste 1/2 cup water starfruit


Peeled carrots and potatoes, cut into small cubes. Puree garlic + red pepper and salt.
Heat 2 tablespoons oil, saute ground spices and enter the carrots and potatoes. Saute briefly, add water, stirring constantly until dry.


Combine flour, starch, butter, salt, 1 egg beaten off, and water. Mix well so that no clot. Flour dough viscosity should be considered. 



Put the content at the edges, then fold the left and right edges toward the inside of the roll.


                   Dip into beaten egg off after it roll into flour crumb. Heat the oil over low heat, fry until golden.

 Thus simple recipes of my hope to help and you all like 


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