Experimenting with Fermentation: Curry Cauliflower Pickle RECIPE!


Over the last few years, I've been trying to up my game in the fermentation department.

Probiotics for gut health has been explained and marketed to the Nth degree. But, if I can skip the commercial probiotic pills and powders that are likely dying or dead by arrival, I'll gladly put forth some extra effort to master this at home. Must be the crunchy mom spirit in me.

Never-the-less, I've had some trepidation over the matter, since I don't want to accidentally feed my family vegetables with mold spores or something worse. Enter the Easy Fermenter. I recently bought this and I have to say, it has increased my confidence. The best feature is the nifty lids with a built in oxygen extractor to ensure a mold free environment.

Good by old-time airlocks!


When I came across this curious recipe online, I thought it was a great opportunity to broaden my fermentation horizons.

In order to enjoy this delicious culinary adventure, you should have the following ingredients on hand:

4 cups warm water (not city or chlorinated water)
2 heads cauliflower chopped into small florets
4 Tablespoons sea salt
1 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon black peppercorns or freshly ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon curry powder optional
Optional ingredients: mustard seeds, unwaxed lemon rind, raisins, cayenne, fresh ginger and garlic (I tried the additional lemon rind, garlic and fresh ginger, which I highly recommend)


Without further ado, here are my simplified recipe steps based on the original from eatbeautiful.net.

  1. In a separate container, mix together turmeric, optional curry and some warm water to create a runny paste. Stir in remaining water and sea salt.
  2. Place cauliflower florets into fermenting container(s). Pack pieces in tightly. Add peppercorns.
  3. Pour spiced, salted water over cauliflower. Press firmly on solids, so water rises above and air bubbles are released.
  4. Brine should come about 1/2-1 inch above the cauliflower, but still leave 1 inch headspace if using jars.
  5. Weight with fermenting weights (I didn't have weights, but it still worked)
  6. Put on fermentation lids and place in a warm place for 7-14 days.
  7. Check periodically to make sure veggies are staying below the brine.




After the long wait, you should be able to enjoy deliciously fermented curry cauliflower. A nicely tart flavor with a bit of spice.

When you decide it's done, transfer jars to the refrigerator, and serve as a condiment or a side dish. The flavor deepens as it sits. Don't forget, when you're done eating those probiotic veggies, save the brine! A little bit can be used as a starter for your next fermentation adventure.

Bon Appétit @allforthegood


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