Is this a dream

It is 2 AM and I just woke from a dream. I dream that seems so real I was days in confusion. Was I really awake or is this still part of the dream. In the dream, I had just laid down in my bed. Let me rewind this so you can get a better vision. I was awake, I open my eyes stretched and yawned. rolled out of bed went brushed my teeth. standing there looking at my self as if there was two of me. like I am twin or able to see my own reflection with out a mirror. I am dressed and getting my self-ready for work and my child ready for school. Something seems off but not enough your thinking maybe I just need coffee. My daughter and I get in the car and go wait for the bus. We are waiting and this person walks by and as they look at me I could swear they had an animal face and then I look again and the face was normal. Like I said before a little off but nothing you would make you think of anything.The kids get on the bus and I drive away to head to work. Driving down the road turning the radio station and everything is about death or some weird song. I am thinking to my self like what is going on. I have a Virgo mind so I analyze everything.My thought process is going in deep on thing but shakes it off before I get to work so I focused on my task for the day.I get to work set my desk up I am the only one there nothing new I am always the first one. Start my daily task to see some of my folders have changed. waiting o my coworker to arrive to see if she has the same issue. Finally, she shows up and as she walking in her face looks like animals and then normal again. She gets her computer a going and she says nothing so I ask if she has folder change she said no. I was like ok now my computer messed up. So I go in and trouble shoot the issue. Day going by as normal. Now it time to leave and I walks out side and it's pitch black I am like it still summer why is it this dark at 4 Pm. But I am like ok it Indiana so whatever. I am driving home and the highway was shut down. I am like ugh what. So I am directed to take the back way home. Once again people face looking weird. I head home and get there to find my kids all watching some strange new TV show but they're quite so I start supper. We are at the dinner table eats and my son start making some weird noise then he stops. Kids do the strangest stuff .As I laughed. The night went by and after dishes were done, home work finishes and baths were finished. We fix a snake for bed and watch a movie. The movie ends teeth are brushed and we all get to bed once the kids were a sleep in their beds I head to my own where I lay down. Now I am awake and I am thinking was that a dream or was that my yesterday. I am heading to the store in a little while we will see.

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