Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body

I recently started reading and I realized how much I loved reading after I read all of the twilight books and fifty shades books. It had been since high school till I picked up a book. I can tell you that it is such a stress reduction, weather your stressed about work, or personal relationships it all just slips away when you lose yourself in a great book. I love to just get lost in a good story and forget everything for a while.


Not only is it a great stress reliever but you gain knowledge and it expands your vocabulary. I feel like the more I read the more words I gain exposure to and they make there way into my everyday vocabulary. It helps me use big words and helps build up my self esteem, being well spoken is a great help in any profession.


I've learned that if you cant fall asleep at night just pick up a book and start reading and it puts you right to sleep, at least it does me. Its like the people who cant fall asleep unless the tv is on well reading is a better healthier way for me.

A cool little fact is that it improves your memory not so sure that it has helped mine but maybe I just haven't been reading long enough hahaha. But when you read you have to remember all the characters, their backgrounds and history and so on well every new memory you create causes brain pathways that are called synapses and strengthens existing ones.


So yeah I am working on finding great books to read if anyone has any suggesting's on books I would love to hear them. Here is my new book shelf that I just got and I am ready to fill it up with books.


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