So It's Not Free???


Dude today's post is a little different but important for sure. I have covid, or at least I think I do because I haven't been able to smell, my body feels like its muscles are contracting themselves to death, and I had a fever for 3 days. But the reason I can't tell you one hundred percent if I have it or not is because
I can't get a test!!!!! Unless I want to pay a hundred dollars. We have called around so many places and none of them will take us because we don't have insurance (because we just started new jobs and don't qualify yet). This shit is ridiculous for more than that though.

Because there is supposed to be a rapid test you can purchase right? Nope, all the pharmacies and stores are sold out. But don't worry somehow all the pop-up testers and facilities have plenty for 100 dollars a pop (when the ones that are sold out are 2 for 25). Same test, Same price right? Nope. But it's crazy huh? Like maybe these little "pop-up health providers" are buying up all the tests and flipping them for more than 10x what their retail value is. Idk man. I gotta just brush this off my shoulders and remember I got god and my side and imma getting through this shit (sorry for the language). Because at the end of the day I have a great life and am so grateful for it.

Sorry for the negative-ish post. I've been sick for almost a week now and I've been trying to post on point. We always get through it though as long as we don't give up.

And if you want to go to a hospital to get your free covid test. They don't do it. My 60-year-old aunt just got denied a test when she had a fever. This shit is ridiculous. We've been trying since before Christmas, and unless we want to pay over a hundred dollars on a test that tells us we have something that, apparently cannot be treated our jobs will be pissed.

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