Randonauts and Dimensional Travel


Who are the randonauts? Well, to put it simply, the randonauts are a group of explorers, kinda like cosmonauts, but instead of the cosmos, they explore the random. This act of random exploration is what they call randonauting and it has become a world wide phenomenon.

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But what is random? Many would consider the outcome of a coin toss random, however, it’s not. If you knew the weight of the coin, the speed at which it was flipped, etc. you could calculate the exact outcome. Some say all events can be predicted this way and nothing is random.


According to philosophers like Aristotle and Thomas Hobbes, we live in a deterministic universe, meaning all events, including our own actions, are predetermined and have played out like clockwork since the universe began.


Fatum theorists disagree. They claim the universe is only partially deterministic. They believe the large scale universe is predictable, but they are more focused on the small scale. Scientists are beginning to discover that at the quantum level, true randomness does occur. The Fatum theorists wanted to come up with a way to exploit this randomness. This led to the creation of the Fatum Bot, a quantum random location generator. They believed by traveling to the locations the bot gave them, they could walk away from their predetermined paths.


The Fatum Bot quickly gained a lot of attention and over time a community formed around it. They called themselves the randonauts. However, they would soon discover the bot was capable of so much more than simply taking them to places they normally wouldn’t go. The Fatum Bot turned out to be a synchronicity creating machine. Many randonauts started to experience profound and meaningful coincidences on their journeys. For example, the streamer Ice Poseidon found his name on a piece of paper while he recorded his experience live.

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Another randonaut was led to a house with a bunch of welcome signs taped to the door. The randonaut knocked and met a man who had just asked the universe for a sign! He was working on a speech he was very nervous about giving and needed inspiration. They were elated upon meeting.


The Fatum theorists hypothesized that maybe the locations weren’t random and the bot was being influenced by the thoughts of the users. The idea was inspired by experiments done at Princeton, where scientists discovered human consciousness can affect random number generators.


Scientists have also discovered that human consciousness affects the behavior of quantum particles. Quantum particles exist in a state known as superposition, meaning they exist in all possible states at once, and strangely enough, they only pick one state once they are observed. Because quantum particles exist in superposition, some physicists have postulated the existence of a multiverse, where there exists a universe for every possibility. They view time as a many-branched tree, and each branch represents a timeline where things happened differently.

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The idea of alternate timelines inspired Jorge Luis Borges’ short story The Garden of Forking Paths, and strangely enough, one randonaut was led to the Borges Labyrinth, a hedge maze dedicated to the author. This is just one of many synchronicities relating to parallel universes.


Is it possible that using the Fatum Bot allows one to enter other timelines and explore the multiverse? Many randonuats have reported an increased awareness of Mandela Effects and other strange shifts after using it. Perhaps you don’t need a portal gun to dimensional travel. Some say one way you can tell if you’ve jumped dimensions or not is an increase in owl sightings. They call it the Owls of Eternity test. Ironically, this was one of the first things randonauts started reporting, and so the owl became the official mascot of the community.


Because owls can see in the dark, they are often associated with wisdom and magic. They are the messengers of life’s mysteries. However, more recently, they have become associated with synchronicity and the UFO phenomenon. Many people report an increase in synchronicities and owl sightings right before or after seeing a UFO. Mike Clelland has a great book on the subject.

Some randonauts claim they feel as if the owls are watching them. Others say they are benevolent extraterrestrials who are here to help. Or maybe it’s something different altogether. Owl sightings actually increased when an owl statue was placed on top of the Fatum Bot’s server. Is it possible that the bot becomes quantumly entangled with whatever object is placed on it? When one of the Fatum theorists placed a piece of meteorite on top of the server, there was at least 3 randonauts who reported seeing a UFO at their location.

This all sounds very out there, and for that reason, the idea of randonauting can be kinda scary at first. Many users have reported a feeling of dread when they use the bot for the first time, and this is what members of the community call the despair meme.


Fatum theorists hypothesize the despair meme is caused by the brain’s fear of the unknown. The brain naturally seeks order and introducing chaos into one’s life seems to go against one’s own self interest. Or is it the gods of fate trying to keep you from cutting your strings?


We are taught that chaos is bad but I believe it can be good. In times of chaos people draw closer to the transcendental. People are more likely to pray when their lives are in disarray, and historically speaking, when societies collapse, reports of paranormal activity increase. Perhaps chaos is the true nature of things and it’s a higher form of order our brains cannot comprehend. According to chaos theory, over a long enough period of time, patterns emerge in randomness. Are randonauts experiencing this higher order in the form of synchronicities?

If synchronicities are a sign of a higher order, are they also a peek into a higher realm? Perhaps some of the locations randonauts visit are liminal zones, or thresholds between here and another world. Whether or not you believe any of this, introducing new experiences into your life is never a bad thing. Novelty promotes brain growth and mental health. But don’t just take my word for it, try it out for yourself and see what you experience. To try it out, download Randonautica on the Android or iPhone app store.

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