Image by AnnaliseArt at

Hello friends, hope you are all doing great. I welcome you all to another episode of #questionandanswer, having here with me another amazing want to guess who? Do not worry, you would know soon hehehe. So before we get to know the guest for today, let's take a quick look at this.....I guess we would have to go on commercials......

Have you heard about the upcoming block party? Well you are just in luck!!!

Block party news update

Post from @thealliancebank, gives us update on the upcoming block party. All information you need to know about the the block party can be gotten from the link above. You want to be there, go check on the link, you want to help make this block party a success then go check on the link. Even if you can not be there in person, you can be in "spirit" lol with your contribution and like @enginewitty would say "you can also spread the love". So please do well to be a part of the success of the block party. If I may add, it is not just a party....but a chance to get to know those who who makes this blockchain a moving train.

To the business of the day...

Welcome back from the short break, to make known our guest for today...let us make welcome ...drum rolls please.... @melinda010100 .....yay!!!!

Image used by permission from @melinda010100

I have always seen her blogs about the contest she runs on shadows and it always amazes me on how she could run a contest diligently bringing together different wonderful entries. Well, have not really had a personal conversation with her but I have participated few times in the contest. Thanks to @brittandjosie, I was able to get an interview with her. She is an amazing woman with a generous heart with countless wonderful blogs to her name and also the brains behind featheredfriday....a photo of our guest.

Image is provided by my interviewed guest @melinda010100

Now let's get to know more about @melinda010100

What do you consider to be the best feeling in the word?

For me, the best feeling in the world is gratitude. When I have gone through bad times it was gratitude that pulled me through. Years ago, when I was in the middle of a divorce from my kids dad, I kept a gratitude journal and every night before I went to sleep l wrote down 5 things that I was grateful for. It was a habit I kept up for years and now when things get tough I know that counting my blessing will get me though any situation.

What experience would you want others to learn from?

The first thing that comes to mind is Steem. It is one of the best experiences there is and I wish everyone the opportunity to learn all that Steem has to offer. When Jim died of cancer 3 years ago all of my family and friends were concerned that I would get lonely living here alone in our home in the woods. But it wasn't long after his death that I discovered Steem and although I miss him everyday, because of Steem I have never been lonely. Being on Steem is a truly great experience, and I wish everyone could experience it and enjoy it as much as I do.

What inspired your series of shadow contest?And What is your favourite shadow so far?

The Shadow Contest was completely inspired by @kus-knee. He was holding a contest very similar to the one he hosts today and it was my favorite contest to enter. When I reached 1000 Steem in my wallet the price of Steem was at it's all time high and the Steem in my wallet was worth over $7000. It seemed like the perfect time to create a contest as a way to give back to the community.

My favorite shadow is always all of the shadows that have been entered this week! I am always delighted by the creativity of each entry.

I don't know that I have a favorite shadow, but this one, entered in Round 14 is a particularly memorable one. Shasta has entered every Round since the beginning of the Shadow contest.


If you were to eat just one food for one year, what would it be?

That would be a horrible thing! Unless I can say vegetables, preferably oven roasted. I'm a bit of a foodie, always willing to try something new and food was one of the reasons I loved traveling to different parts of the world. I could make it all year on vegetables, though.

What is the best piece of advice you have received?

20 years ago, when I was first diagnosed with MS a friend who had struggled with MS for 10 years prior to me said her best advice was to 'walk and treasure each step' It was great advice, and now that my MS has progressed to where I am no longer able to walk and must use a mobility scooter to get around, I have great memories of all the walks I took while I was still able.

What makes you relax?

I am always pretty relaxed but maybe my answer would be deep breaths and a nice glass of red wine.

What personality do you like the most? And which do you dislike?

I really am attracted to people who are confident, out spoken and a little outrageous... Maybe because I'm not but would like to be!

DISLIKE- people who go through life angry and blaming others for their miserable lives.

If you were to relive any 10mins of your life, which 10mins would you relive?

Probably the first moments of holding my new born babies in my arms! I have 3 children, and even though their births were many years ago, I think those first few minutes with each of them were the best minutes of my life.

What is the most memorable gift you have ever received?

One of the most memorable gifts that I ever received was a Valentines Day gift of a weekend long trip to Frankfort Germany and tickets to see Harry Belafonte perform. Flying from the US to Europe for the weekend was wonderful, but seeing Harry perform had been on my life wish list forever, and since he was seldom performing in the United States, this gift was truly memorable.

What little thing make you smile?

The little things that make me smile are my grandkids. Although they are no longer little! They are all teenagers now, and are absolutely delightful. Smiling when they are around is easy to do!

What a great time with @melinda010100, I enjoyed the read and I hope you did too. A big thank you to @melinda010100 for taking out time to be a guest on today's was great having you here and am sure the readers feel the same way.

Lastly, before we go I got some few words from

@brittandjosie to @melinda010100.....

Melinda and I met many moons ago, and I joined many shadows contests but after we both lost a special friend here on steemit I noticed that she is someone I admire and love. And don’t forget what she means to the steemisfere, she does so much and with two new hives, one for shadow contests and one for featheredfriday she is staying and so am I. She is a role model for many.

This is from @brittandjosie to you @melinda010100 and I know many others feel the same......thank you once again!!

So guys, this is where I draw the curtain for today's episode of #questionandanswer, send in your nominations of someone you want to see as a guest here or drop questions you would love to see answers to....I remain your humble host....Bliss.

You still get a chance to win little steem prize by answering just a question on my previous on the link here to get more information.

Image from: Bitmoji

Have a lovely day!!

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