Image by AnnaliseArt at

Hello friends, hope you are all doing great!! Welcome to another episode of #questionandanswer, where you get to know your favorites bloggers/vloggers better in a more interesting way. Today I have with me here another amazing want to guess who?.....not before the commercial break!!

Are you a nature lover and you love to take photos of them, then this is for you!!

Contest post by @adalger gives us the opportunity to explore the nature around us. If you are a lover of nature and you can take good photos of nature then this is the right place for you. Why not get photos of those amazing nature around you, make a post and submit your entry!!! You should hurry, tomorrow is the last day of entry for this week. But if you cannot submit your entry by not get another chance by next week starting from right!!!

There is also a vlogging special where you can also get to show this amazing natures via short videos, which also promises to be an interesting get your entries in and win yourself a prize!!

You want to know another interesting information, you also get to vote for your favorite post entry via steem terminal discord group....yeah you heard me! Just click on the link for more information about the contest.....let us appreciate the beauty of nature together.

Amazing Nature Contest....Click here

Welcome back from that break, to make known our guest for today.....drum rolls please..... lets make welcome @priyanarc!!

Image used by permission from @priyanarc

About @priyanarc ....okay I never really had a one on one conversation with her until the interview but I always like her vlogs and follow them, I would wonder how she does it...she is good at what she just need to get to know her. She is a cool person with a great personality and fun too...yeah trust me she is hehehe. So if you looking for a dtube lover and an Architect....then here she is...

Image is provided by my interviewed guest @priyanarc

Let's get to know more about @priyanarc

What does life mean to you?

For me life is a race, full of uncertainty and challenges. You never know what is waiting for you.

β€œLife was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.”
Forrest Gump.

I follow this a lot.

What would you consider to be the most beautiful feeling in the world?

When I will be a mother I think πŸ€” mom used to say when I was inside her, she had the most beautiful moments.

What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you as a person?

Betrayal....people do betray and they come and leave. Also I can cope up with any situation but I can't handle rejection......rejection can be on many things which causes frustration for me

Do you care to share an experience?

Well, I was rejected by someone very close, after 3 years of relation he threw me into dustbin and betrayed me by breaking all commitments, after that I changed the way I see my life.

If you could have one super power what would it be?πŸ˜‰

Being invisible I guess πŸ€”

Flying no?

Ah! teleporting can be interesting

or controlling others mind final answer??

πŸ˜‚Power Absorption

Hahaha!!Power absorption it is!!

But to be honest I want to be invisible...I choose power absorption so I can handle that.

What do you notice first about someone?

okay first I try to observe the overall person, attitude, behavior, looks.

What inspired your vlogging?

Okay...actually I see my all videos as a memory of my life, growth and development. I am a daily vlogger so I feel my videos are like my diary. Also my life experiences and as I have faced a lot of situations so those things inspired me a lot to represent myself as who I am....actually my videos represent me.

So many people don't like my video because they are not funny or according to the trending topic but I don't care, I love to represent myself as a human.

What lesson would you want others to learn from?

Currently I am working on my patience, I want to learn time management, how to become a successful woman LOL.

Because to be honest I am very bad at managing time and my 2020 goal is to find a good job to stable my life

What do you do for fun?

For fun, I go out with to explore new food, nice places.

How would you describe yourself?

An introvert girl, who loves to live in her own world and want to remain a princess there .

What is your favorite get away place?

I love mountains, I don't like crowded places but I like to be close to nature but when I was in my country I love to travel Bandarban.

What an amazing time with @priyanarc, I hope you enjoyed the read because I totally did. A big thank you, @priyanarc for being on today's episode of #questionandanswer, it was great having you here and thank you for your time ...also the fun time behind the scenes too πŸ˜‰ and the wonderful answers.

So guys, this is where I draw the curtain for today's episode of #questionandanswer, send in your nominations of someone you want to see as a guest here or drop questions you would love to see answers to....I remain your humble host....Bliss.

Image from: Bitmoji

Have a lovely day!!

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